Επιστροφή Regional Roma Housing Conference Highlights Urgent Actions Needed to Address Housing Inequalities in the Western Balkans and Türkiye

Regional Roma Housing Conference Highlights Urgent Actions Needed to Address Housing Inequalities in the Western Balkans and Türkiye

The Regional Roma Housing Conference, held in Tirana, Albania, convened policymakers, activists, experts, and community leaders to tackle the critical housing challenges and inequalities faced by Roma communities in the Western Balkans and Türkiye. Organised under the Roma Integration Phase III Joint Programme of the Council of Europe and the European Union, the event discussions focused on improving housing conditions, facilitating the legalization of housing, implementing effective policies, and leveraging national and EU funding.

A central theme of the conference was the implementation of the Poznan Declaration commitments on housing, undertaken by Western Balkans leaders to ensure the integration of Roma communities within the European Union enlargement process and regional cooperation. The event emphasized the development of actionable strategies to enhance housing conditions and ensure equal access to fundamental rights and opportunities for Roma communities, in alignment with European standards and the EU Strategic Framework for Roma Equality, Inclusion, and Participation.

Denada Seferi, Deputy Minister of Health and Social Protection, reaffirmed Albania's commitment to the Poznan Declaration and the recommendations from the Dialogue Seminar for Albania.

"Adequate housing is essential for the enjoyment of fundamental rights, including employment, health, education, and social protection," she stated. Seferi underscored the need to strengthen policy monitoring frameworks and include measurable indicators to ensure the success of housing initiatives.

Giulia Re, Head of the Council of Europe Office in Tirana, highlighted the collective commitment under the Council of Europe Strategic Action Plan for Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020-2025) and Poznan Declaration.

"Ensuring adequate, affordable, and sustainable housing for Roma is crucial. Despite progress, Roma communities still face substandard living conditions and housing segregation, which perpetuates a cycle of poverty and exclusion," she remarked.

Stavri Lako, Director in the Ministry of Economy, Culture, and Innovation, noted significant progress in Roma housing policies in Albania.

"Thanks to facilitating policies, 5% of Roma now have the right to benefit from social housing programs. In 2023, 349 Roma benefited from social housing, increasing to 23% in 2024 due to policy improvements," Lako reported.

Key Highlights from the Conference

  • Improving Housing Conditions: Comprehensive sessions addressed the challenges of improving housing conditions and reducing housing inequality for Roma communities. Strategies to enhance living standards and ensure equitable access to housing were discussed.
  • Housing Legalization and Policy Implementation: Experts and stakeholders shared successful approaches to legalizing Roma housing and implementing robust housing policies. Discussions focused on overcoming bureaucratic hurdles and ensuring secure housing rights for Roma communities.
  • Utilizing EU and National Funds: Participants emphasized the efficient use of European Union and national funds to enhance housing access for Roma communities. The importance of financial resources in achieving sustainable and desegregated housing solutions was highlighted.
  • Expert-Led Panels: The conference featured panels led by experts and community leaders, who provided actionable strategies and shared best practices for improving housing conditions. These sessions aimed to foster a collaborative approach to addressing housing inequalities.
  • Housing Exhibition: An exhibition curated by artist Sead Kazanxhiu showcased the importance of cultural representation in addressing housing issues.

During the conference, Roma artist Sead Kazanxhiu curated an exhibition highlighting the pressing housing challenges faced by Roma communities. Through art and installations, it conveyed a powerful message advocating for improved policies, programs, and funding. The exhibition featured photographs, miniature houses, and "Nest," an evocative installation symbolising housing issues, legalization challenges, and segregation.

The conference was organized within the framework of the Roma Integration III Joint Programme, financed by the European Union and the Council of Europe, and implemented by the Roma and Travellers Division of the Council of Europe.

Video from the Conference


Tirana, Albania 12 - 13 June 2024
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