Online library
The "ALL IN" (2019) online library on gender equality in sport is a one-stop shop for the development of gender sensitive sport policies and programmes. Get inspiration from the 95 examples of practices and resources!
Discover the FIBA Portrayal Guidelines to deliver gender equal and inclusive representation in basketball.
Discover the UNESCO Handbook "Tackling violence against women and girls: a handbook for policy makers and sports practioners"
The ALL IN online library gathers various resources: awareness-raising activities, educational tools, legislation, policies, standards and guidelines, and research/study reports.
It covers six strategic fields:
- Leadership
- Coaching
- Participation (from grassroots to elite sport)
- Gender-based violence
- Media/communication
- Gender mainstreaming
Among the 95 examples of practices and resources, the project team has identified the 25 most inspiring, creative or exemplary ones. You will find them by clicking on “Top 25 best practices and resources”.
For an overview click on “All practices and resources”
A filter system is available on the right side, so that you can make your own selection by the main topic addressed, the country where the practice is implemented, the type of resource and of sport.
Feel free to combine the different categories!
If you wish to undo the filters selected, click on the “reset filters” button at the bottom.
Note that some practices and resources are cross-sectorial and can appear more than once.