In 2019, 18 European countries took part in a broad data collection campaign on the involvement of women and men in the field of sport, to monitor the progress on gender equality, identify persisting challenges and make comparisons between countries and between sports
Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Georgia, Israel, Lithuania, Montenegro, Netherlands, Portugal, Serbia and Spain
You can check out the results, through:
a dashboard “How gender equality is addressed in Europe”
some publications
an Excel file gathering the raw data
Six strategic fields explored:
Participation (from grassroots to elite sport)
Gender-based violence
Communication/mediao Policies
Programmes addressing gender equality
Two types of data collected:
Data separated by gender in the involvement of women and men in sport
Data on policies, programmes and actions
That come from:
Ministries/government departments responsible for sport
National Olympic Committees
National Olympic sport federations[1]
[1] Except for Belgium where only one Olympic sport federation is national. The rest are community-based.
Country leaflets in French version:Belgium, France
In each country, the ministry/government department responsible for sport, the national Olympic committee/national sport confederation and the Olympic sports federations were involved in this process.
A network of national co-ordinators composed of one representative per country involved, was also set up in this regard.