About ProS4+

Promoting and Strengthening the Council of Europe Standards on Safety, Security and Service at Football Matches and Other Sports Events

The ProS4+ project (1 July 2018 - 31 March 2021) aims to offer tailor-made responses to the emerging challenges and current trends in the fields of safety, security and service at football matches and other sports events. It promotes the standards set out by the new 2016 Council of Europe Saint-Denis Convention and its integrated approach to safety, security and service so that individuals and groups feel comfortable and appreciated when attending a football match or other sports event, inside or outside a sports ground.

The integrated approach of the Saint-Denis Convention reflects the need for government agencies, local authorities, clubs, police and supporters’ organisations to work together to ensure that sports events, especially football events, which gather great numbers of spectators, are safe and secure and that the events are welcoming for all.

The Council of Europe already developed a consolidated recommendation of the T-RV Standing Committee (Rec (2015)1) that provides guidance to the countries in revising their relevant policy to comply with good standards and practices. The ProS4+ project team develops online learning tools, carries out in-country trainings, conducts surveys and drafts action plans across Europe in order to achieve these objectives.

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New users for the ProS4+ online course 

30 April 2020, Strasbourg, France

The PROS4+ project online course on the Council of Europe Saint-Denis Convention on safety, security and service at sports events has welcomed many new users on its platform during the Covid-19 confinement period.
The number of users has tripled within one month, reaching 400 users and the interest continues to grow!

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PROS4+ e-learning course

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