
Closing Conference of the Joint EU/CoE regional project “Promoting human rights and minority protection in South East Europe”

On 16-17 of November a high level regional conference marked the finalisation of a joint EU/CoE project on “Promoting human rights and minority protection in South East Europe”. Implemented during 2014-2016 in seven beneficiaries of the South East Europe region – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” and Kosovo* - the project aimed at breaking down the barriers for minorities at local level. The event took place at Tirana...

The Publication of Elements of Good Practice identified during the implementation of the JP EU/CoE “Promoting Human Rights and Minority Protection in South East Europe”

  Accommodating the need to improve the level of compliance with European standards on minority protection that primarily stem from the FCNM and the ECRML, the Project is pleased to share the Publication of Elements of good practice identified during the implementation of the JP EU/CoE “Promoting Human Rights and Minority Protection in  South East Europe” (available HERE). The publication sets out to identify elements of good practice that have emerged in the implementation of seven (one per...

The Project's documentary on Bosnia and Herzegovina has been published

The Project Secretariat is delighted to announce that the TV documentary prepared in Bosnia and Herzegovina has been published. The documentary, produced within the framework of the EU-CoE Joint Project "Promoting Human Rights and Minority Protection in South East Europe", focuses on the achievements made by the local self-governments of Bosnia and Herzegovina participating in the small grant programme of the Project. Check out the documentary by clicking on the links below: TV Documentary -...

Call for offers - Project Cycle Management trainings in Belgrade (13 - 15 July 2016)

Within the framework of the EU-CoE Joint Project "Promoting Human Rights and Minority Protection in South East Europe", a three-day training in Project Cycle Management (PCM) will be organised in Belgrade from 13 to 15 July 2016. The training sessions aim to build the capacities of the 35 local self-governments that participated in the small grant programme of the Project in the field of PCM. In connection with this event, the Project Secretariat has issued two Call for offers for the...

Results of the Call for offers for the production of a regional TV documentary

The call for offers for the production of a regional TV documentary on the best practices of the Project ended with the selection of the company “DKQ Dokukino”. The service provider will be in charge of the filming and editing of a TV documentary based on the best practices emerged from the Project in all seven beneficiaries. DKQ Dokukino has an extensive expertise in the production of quality documentaries and has demonstrated its regional reach thanks to the presence of branches in four of...

4th Steering Committee meeting and Award Ceremony of the Project "Promoting Human Rights and Minority Protection in South East Europe"

The 4th Steering Committee meeting of the Joint EU/CoE Project “Promoting Human Rights and Minority Protection in South East Europe” took place in Podgorica on Wednesday 6 April 2016.  The Steering Committee took stock of the Project’s small grant cycle and launched a new generation of small grants awarded to the seven local self-governments identified as the elements of good practice of their beneficiary. The Minister of Human and Minority Rights of Montenegro, Mr Suad Numanovic, opened the...

Call for Offers - Production of a regional TV report on good practices

The Secretariat of the Joint EU/CoE Project “Promoting Human Rights and Minority Protection in South East Europe” is launching a call for submission of bids for the production of a TV report. The report will aim to present and promote the good practices in the field of minority protection emerged during the implementation of the Project.   The secretariat invites interested service providers to submit their bid for the following tasks: Preparation of a scenario based on seven success stories...

Publication of the "Presentation of Findings" of the assessments conducted by the College of Europe

A team of national and international experts of the College of Europe were contracted by the Project to conduct two targeted studies: a Project Assessment and an Awareness Assessment of the Framework Convention for Protection of National Minorities (FCNM) and the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages (ECRML) in the seven beneficiaries taking part in the Project. The Project secretariat is now delighted to publish the Presentation of Findings of the research carried out by the...

Call for Offers - Analysis of the Final Financial Reports of the 35 Municipalities

The call for offers for the analysis of the final financial reports received from the 35 municipalities participating in the small grant scheme of the JP "Promoting Human Rights and Minority Rights in South East Europe" is now available. Please click HERE to consult the call for offers.

Results of the bidding procedure for the Publication of the elements of good practice developed through the Project

The international bidding procedure for the selection of a team in charge of researching and drafting a work presenting the elements of good practice of the Small Grants Scheme of the Project was concluded on 5 February 2016. The call was a success and the Project secretariat received remarkable bids. These were assessed following three criteria: overall price of the offer, proposed methodology and composition of the team. Unanimously, the selection panel reached consensus and selected the...
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