Promoting efficient functioning of state institutions and public administration

The countries of Central Asia have been working on reforming their institutions and public administration in line with international standards in the field of the rule of law. The current Action aims to support these efforts basing on the expertise of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission), mainly through the Rule of Law Checklist (Adopted in 2016, the Rule of Law Checklist provides a comprehensive list of criteria which could be used as reference when conducting reforms). Previous opinions and recommendations of the Venice Commission as well as the results of the EU’s Rule of Law Platform are taken into account in the implementation of the Action.

In addition to institutional support, work is also conducted in the area of human rights (access to justice, right to fair trial etc.). Depending on the pace of the reforms and established necessity, the Action seeks to engage civil society and professional communities to contribute to assessing the reforms and to recommend measures to improve their implementation.


Back Kyrgyzstan: Tender call for the organisation of a conference

Kyrgyzstan: Tender call for the organisation of a conference

The Council of Europe is currently implementing the action “Promoting efficient functioning of state institutions and public administration” as part of the joint initiative of the European Union and the Council of Europe - Central Asia Rule of Law Programme. In that context, it is looking for Providers for the organisation of the conference “Independence of the judiciary in the new constitutional context” which will take place on 16 September 2022 in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

For more information, please see the Act of Engagement and the Tender File (both documents in English only).

The deadline for submission of applications is 21 July 2022.

Strasbourg 1 July 2022
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