Building on the success and lessons learnt from the South Programme I, the second phase was launched in April 2015 to continue fostering the development of democratic governance, effective legal frameworks and institutional capacities of partners from the Southern Mediterranean region based on their demand, and in accordance with European and international standards.

South Programme II (2015-2017) launching seminar, 10 April 2015, Strasbourg

The three-year initiative (January 2015 - December 2017) of a total budget of € 7,370 million was funded 90% by the European Union and 10% by the Council of Europe, which was also responsible for its implementation.

Known also under the label of Towards strengthened democratic governance in the Southern Mediterranean, the South Programme II had the creation of a common legal space on both shores of the Mediterranean as one of its core objectives. By promoting Council of Europe standards and assisting beneficiaries in the progressive accession to the Organisation’s conventions open to non-member States, the programme has been instrumental in anchoring partner to the values shared by the Council of Europe and the European Union. It has fostered regional cooperation in the field of human rights, the rule of law and democracy through exchanges of best practices involving Council of Europe convention-based committees, intergovernmental committees of experts, working groups and networks such as the Schools of Political Studies, the Intercultural Cities Programme, the North-South Centre, and the Pompidou Group (MedSPAD).

 South Programme II website