Regional conference on access to justice for women victims of violence in Eastern Partnership countries

17 October 2018 Strasbourg

The objective of the conference is to review progress made in the field of women’s access to justice in the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova), in the light of the principles of the Council of Europe’s Istanbul Convention....

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Second working group meeting for developing an online course on ensuring women’s access to justice

04 June 2018 Strasbourg

The second working group for the development of a HELP course (Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals) on Ensuring Women’s Access to Justice took place on 30-31 May 2018 in Strasbourg. It brought together a group of three legal experts with a e-learning designer, the regional project...

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Working group meeting to develop an online course on women's access to justice

6 April 2018 Strasbourg

A new e-learning course on women’s access to justice is being developed and will provide a tool for the promotion of gender-sensitive justice in the Council of Europe member states. On 28-29 March 2018, a group of experts from the United Kingdom, Georgia and the Republic Moldova came together...

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Continuing impact from the project to support the Moldovan Bar Association

10 August 2017 Chisinau

In 2016, the Moldovan Bar Association received expertise and capacity building to improve the clients data protection within its functioning and organisation through the EU and Council of Europe “Support to the Moldovan Bar Association” Project. As a direct result of the support provided, the...

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The Moldovan Young Lawyers Association became a member of the European Young Bar Association

29 June 2017 Chișinău

On 19 May 2017 the Moldovan Young Lawyers Association became a member of the European Young Bar Association . The membership in the European Association of young lawyers is an important milestone reached by the Moldovan Young Bar. In the words of its president, Mr Vadim Vieru, the membership in...

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Support to the Moldovan Bar Association: regional Bars cooperation continued

29 June 2017 Chișinău

On 6-10 June 2017, a delegation of Gdansk lawyers visited the Southern Regional Bar in Cahul and the Moldovan Bar Association in Chisinau. The peer-to-peer exchange included challenges faced by the profession of lawyer in young democracies and ways to overcome them, the importance of an effective...

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Report on the implementation of selected CEPEJ tools in pilot courts of the Republic of Moldova

4 May 2017 Chisinau

Between June 2015 and March 2017 the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) and judicial authorities of the Republic of Moldova cooperated actively to improve the efficiency of courts and the quality of judicial services. Six pilot courts implemented tools developed by the...

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Graduation of the ‘Admissibility of Evidence in Criminal Proceedings’ course in Armenia

28 April 2017 Yerevan

On 27 April 2017, Deputy Head of the Council of Europe Office in Yerevan, Ms Loreta VIOIU, awarded certificates to 15 Armenian legal professionals who successfully completed the Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) distance-learning course on “Admissibility of Evidence in...

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Final conference of the PCF current project to improve the efficiency and quality of judicial services in Azerbaijan

10 April 2017 Baku

The Council of Europe and judicial stakeholders of Azerbaijan held a conference on the results and best practices achieved by the national pilot courts and other major actors of the justice sector in the implementation of the methodology and tools developed by the European Commission for the...

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Final conference of the current PCF project to improve the efficiency and quality of judicial services in Azerbaijan

29 March 2017 Baku

Between July 2015 and March 2017 the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) and judicial authorities of the Republic of Azerbaijan co-operated actively to improve the efficiency of courts and the quality of judicial services. Designated pilot courts and the Justice Academy of...

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Final conference of current project to improve the efficiency and quality of judicial services in the Republic of Moldova

24 March 2017 Chisinau

Between June 2015 and March 2017 the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) and judicial authorities of the Republic of Moldova co-operated actively to improve the efficiency of courts and the quality of judicial services. Six pilot courts and the National Institute of Justice...

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Council of Europe and European Union to organise Bench and Bar meeting on Jury Trials for legal professionals in Georgia

22 March 2017 Tbilisi

On 22 March, 2017 The Council of Europe office in Georgia and EU4Justice Judiciary Support Project will organise a Bench & Bar Meeting on Jury Trials. The event will take place within the joint project of the Council of Europe and European Union – “Application of the European Convention on Human...

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Training sessions for newly selected judge candidates

14 march 2017 Baku

In co-operation with the Academy of Justice of Azerbaijan, in March 2017 the Council of Europe started the series of European Court of Human Rights training sessions for 126 judge candidates who are going through the preparatory training phase of the judicial selection process. The training...

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Court coaching programme concluded in the Republic of Moldova

7 March 2017 Chisinau

On 1-2 March 2017 two final training sessions for representatives of 6 pilot courts took place with the secretariat of the Superior Council of Magistrates and the Agency for Court Administration of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova. The European Commission for the Efficiency of...

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Drawing conclusions on the efficiency of justice tools in pilot courts in the Republic of Moldova

7 March 2017 Chisnau

The Superior Council of Magistrates of the Republic of Moldova heard a presentation during its session of 28 February 2017 of the progress and achievements of the Project "Strengthening the efficiency of justice and support to lawyer’s profession in the Republic of Moldova", . The Superior...

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Training on standards of the European Convention on Human Rights for Jury Trials

2-4 March Tbilisi

Pursuant to increased jurisdiction of jury trials in Georgia from 1 January, 2017 Council of Europe, within the EU funded project, conducts series of trainings on Jury Trial Standards under ECHR and more than 60 judges already went through the trainings delivered by national and international...

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Azeri pilot courts undertook a number of innovative steps to consolidate their efficiency and quality

20 February 2017 Baku

Five pilot courts of Azerbaijan, including two appellate courts (Sumgayit and Sheki) and three first instance courts (Yasamal (district of Baku), Oghuz and Sumgayit administrative-economic court), are actively engaged in improving their own management and quality of services in line with...

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Cascade training seminars for advocates in Azerbaijan

6 February 2017 Baku

Two cascade training seminars were organised by the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Academy of Justice and the Collegium of Advocates of Azerbaijan, which took place in Baku on 24-25 January and 26-27 January 2017. The trainings were dedicated to admissibility criteria in applications...

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Pilot courts in Moldova report on results of implementing the efficiency of justice tools and lessons learned

6 February Chisinau

Experts of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) conducted a mission to the Republic of Moldova, on 31 January - 1 February 2017. The expert team met with representatives from the Ministry of Justice, the Superior Council of Magistrates and six pilot courts, who reported...

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Georgia interested to identify the full depth and nature of issues related to pre-trial detention

11.01.2017 Tbilisi, Georgia

On 11 January, 2017, Council of Europe (CoE) in co-operation with the Ministry of Justice of Georgia presented the Assessment Tool on Pre-trial Detention which elaborates in detail the methodology for internally reviewing pretrial detention practice. The document offers a step by step methodology...

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— 20 Предметів на сторінці
Showing 1 - 20 of 100 results.