Natrag Workshop Held in Montenegro to Improve Strategic Approach in Implementing the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma and Egyptians

Workshop Held in Montenegro to Improve Strategic Approach in Implementing the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma and Egyptians

As part of the Roma Integration III Joint Programme of the Council of Europe and the European Union, and in cooperation with the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, a workshop on Improving Strategic Planning, Implementation, and Monitoring of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma and Egyptians 2021-2025 and the Action Plan for the period 2024-2025 was organized in Bar, Montenegro.

The workshop brought together members of the Commission for Monitoring the Implementation of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma and Egyptians 2021-2025, members of the Coordination Body for Monitoring the Implementation of the Poznan Commitments, and newly appointed contact persons within the ministries responsible for the inclusion of Roma and Egyptians. Through the Joint EU-CoE ROMACTED Programme, representatives of municipalities responsible for implementing local action plans for the social inclusion of Roma and Egyptians also participated, thereby achieving one of the workshop's goals: enhancing the alignment of actions at both local and central levels.

The purpose of the workshop was to strengthen the level of implementation and raise awareness about the importance of institutional proactivity in the planning and implementation of strategic documents, ensuring a better position for the Roma and Egyptian communities in Montenegro.

Participants reviewed the process of creating and implementing strategic plans. During discussions and group work, they analyzed key issues in the implementation and monitoring of the Strategy for the Social Inclusion of Roma and Egyptians and provided recommendations for improving these processes.

The workshop was opened by Lejla Dervišagić, Head of the Council of Europe Program Office in Podgorica, and Sokolj Beganaj, Head of the Department for the Advancement and Protection of the Rights of Roma and Egyptians at the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights.

The workshop successfully fostered greater understanding and coordination among various stakeholders involved in the social inclusion of Roma and Egyptians in Montenegro. It underscored the importance of strategic planning and institutional engagement in improving the living conditions and rights of these communities.

The Joint Programme Integration of Roma III is co-financed by the European Union and the Council of Europe and is implemented by the Council of Europe’s Roma and Travellers Division. The project is based on the Council of Europe’s human rights approach, focusing on participation and inclusion, equality and non-discrimination, accountability, transparency, and access to information.

Bar, Montenegro 6 - 7 June 2024
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