On 9 February 2015, the anti-rumour agents met for the second time in Sabadell, Spain.
The main goal of this meeting was to inform and talk about the situation of the Communication for Integration project (C4i) to the members of Sabadell’s Anti-rumours network, to appraise the on-going project activities, to share experience among anti-rumour agents and to view the Co-existence Rap video (available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XLqQLsNm-c).
The Co-existence Rap project directly engaged about 800 students, aged 12 to 14 years, from 25 schools in Sabadell, working with them to write and record a rap song on the theme of anti-rumours. A group of students from different High Schools were selected to perform at a concert. A further 25,000 people have viewed the rap video on the internet.
At the end of the meeting the antirumours agents were invited to take a picture for the photocall “Don’t stick to rumours.”
Sabadell’s anti-rumour website: www.sabadell.cat/antirumors
Anti-rumour agents’ network: www.facebook.com/xarxaantirumors
Video 1: The dismantling of rumours in the area of education:
Video 2. Combating rumours: