Ykdysady jenaýatçylyga garşy göreşmek we aýdyňlygy ýokarlandyrmak

Soňky ýyllaryň dowmynda Merkezi Aziýanyň ýurtlary sebitdäki iş gurşawyny kämilleşdirmek we hemmeleriň peýdasyna durnukly ykdysady ösüşi öňe sürmek maksady bilen korrupsiýa amallarynyň öňüni almak we jezalandyrmak üçin düzülen özgertmeler geçirdi. Häzirki çäreler, kärhanalar üçin şertleri gowulandyrmaga we sebitde korrupsiýa garşy göreşmek ulgamlaryň hilini ýokarlandyrmaga goşant goşmagy maksat edinýär. Çäre iki komponentden ybarat: 1) Işewürligiň bitewiligi we berjaý edilmegi; 2) Korrupsiýa garşy göreşmek, jenaýatçylykly ýol bilen alynýan girdejilere garşy göreşmek we aktiwleri dikeltmek ulgamlary.


Aýdyňlygy ýokarlandyrmak, işewürligiň bitewiligi we telekeçileriň hukuklaryny goramak, Merkezi Aziýa sebitiniň ýurtlarynyň ileri tutulýan ugurlaryndan biridir. Şu çäre, kärhanalaryň haýbat bilen almaklyga garşy göreşmek üçin mehanizmleri döretmek we mümkinçilikleri ýokarlandyrmak, administratiw päsgelçilikleri azaltmak, işewürlik pudagynda gatnaşygy güýçlendirmegi maksat edinýär. Sebit derejesinde, gatyşmagyň maksady öňdebaryjy tejribäni alyşmagyň täsirli mehanizmlerini döretmekden we işewürlik pudagynyň ýüzbe-ýüz bolýan umumy sebitleýin we serhetaşa korrupsiýa töwekgelçiliklerine has anyk düşünmegi ösdürmekden ybaratdyr. Milli derejede, bu çäre, ýokarda agzalan tematiki ugurlarda degişli ýurtlaryň ileri tutulýan ugurlaryna gönükdirilýär we özgertmelere aýratyn kömek bermäge synanyşýar.


Bu ugurda alnyp barylýan işler, bikanun ýol bilen alnan girdejileriň kanunlaşdyrylmagyna we terrorçylygyň maliýeleşdirilmegine garşy göreşmek üçin milli ulgamlary güýçlendirmek şeýle hem jenaýatçylykly ýol bilen alynýan girdejilere garşy göreşmek, ykdysady jenaýatçylygyň we korrupsiýanyň öňüni almak we oňa garşy göreşmek üçin hukuk goraýjy edaralary öz içine almak bilen häkimiýetleriň mümkinçiliklerini we mehanizmlerini gowulandyrmaklyga gönükdirilendir. Komponentiň sebit ölçegi, sebitdäki töwekgelçiliklere we howplara gönükdirilen korrupsiýa we ykdysady jenaýat boýunça gözlegleri, şeýle hem hukuk goraýjy edaralarynyň we döwlet gullugynyň işgärleri üçin sebitleýin tapgyrlaýyn okuw meýilnamalaryny öz içine alýar. Milli derejede alnyp barylýan işler, milli şertlere we özgertme proseslerine baglylykda her bir ýudruň aýratyn zerurlyklaryna we talaplaryna gönükdirilýär.


Back Technical Assistance provided to Kazakhstan to effectively implement the recommendations of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)

Technical Assistance provided to Kazakhstan to effectively implement the recommendations of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)

A delegation of 25 public officials representing 13 institutions from Kazakhstan participated in a workshop organised by the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on 21 June 2023. The aim of the workshop was to discuss the effective implementation of the recommendations issued by the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) to Kazakhstan in the framework of the joint first and second evaluations rounds.

After Kazakhstan joined GRECO in 2020, the country has received its first evaluation report in 2022, which covered the first and second rounds, and included 27 specific recommendations.

Five Council of Europe experts, shared with participants related experiences and practices in the implementation of GRECO recommendations that were similar to those addressed to Kazakhstan.

Some of the topics covered during the sessions included the specialisation of national bodies in the prevention and fight against corruption, seizure and confiscation of corruption proceeds, non-conviction-based confiscation, the implementation of rules of conduct and systems for declarations of assets and interests in preventing corruption in public administration, the management of conflict of interest, anti-corruption awareness raising of public officials, integrity measures in public procurement processes, applicable prohibitions and limitations to carry out executive positions following corruption conviction, liability of legal persons and account offences. These issues of GRECO’s evaluation are very relevant in the context of the ongoing anti-corruption efforts in Kazakhstan.

All sessions resulted in very lively discussions between Kazakh authorities and the experts. During the exchanges, participants had the opportunity to present the planned or achieved progress, while the experts offered very targeted input on possible ways and considerations in implementing the GRECO recommendations for each topic.

This activity was organised by the Action “Promoting Transparency and Action against Economic Crime” of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2023, a joint initiative co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Strasbourg, France 21 June 2023
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