Round Table Discussion on the Review of the Civil Procedural Code of Armenia

13 December 2021 armenia

On 9 December 2021 the Round Table Discussion on the Review of the Civil Procedural Code of Armenia took place in the framework of the project ''Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia,'' funded by the European Union and the...

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Strengthening access to justice for LGBTQI people in Ukraine

11 December 2021 Ukraine

The NGO Insight from Ukraine is implementing until April 2022 a project aiming at combating discrimination and hatred against LGBTI people in Ukraine through litigation, providing access to support services and informing victims about the possibilities to get assistance. This project is carried...

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Ukrainian non-banking financial institutions better equipped to prevent, detect and report money laundering and terrorist financing

9 December 2021 Ukraine

Our project, in co-operation with the National Bank of Ukraine, delivered a comprehensive training to non-banking financial institutions in better delivering on their anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing obligations. As the National Bank of Ukraine has under its supervision the...

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Staff of the Representative of the Republic of Armenia before the European Court of Human Rights enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal procedure legislation of Armenia

7 December 2021 Armenia

A one-day workshop on “Selected issues of new Criminal Procedure Code of Armenia” was organised for 18 staff members of the Representative of the Republic of Armenia before the ECtHR on 7 December, in Yerevan. New regulations, provisions and procedural safeguards in the context of Articles 5, 6...

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Azerbaijani banks and investment companies learn about money laundering and terrorism financing risks related to virtual assets

6-7 December 2021 Azerbaijan

In co-operation with the Financial Monitoring Service of Azerbaijan (FMS), the Council of Europe organised a two-day training course for 42 representatives of banks and investment companies, and FMS staff members, to introduce them to key concepts on virtual assets and virtual asset service...

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Показується результатів: 261 - 265 із 555.


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