The Moldovan Equality Council staff analysed their monitoring activity and gained new skills in the field

24 January 2023 Chisinau

The staff of the Equality Council had the occasion to analyse their monitoring activity and learn new skills related to the monitoring mechanism during a workshop, which took place in Chisinau on 23-24 January 2023. Participants of the workshop discussed the goal and scope of the monitoring...

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Prosecutors and judges from the Republic of Moldova increased their knowledge on the European standards and judgements addressing hate speech

19-20 January 2023 Chisinau

A two-day seminar focusing on the way hate speech is addressed by the European Court of Human Rights’ jurisprudence brought together 22 prosecutors and judges from the Republic of Moldova. The program included discussions on the best legal practices in hate speech case handling and exchange...

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An online course on combating hate speech for judges and prosecutors from Armenia was launched

18 January 2023 Online

The tutored online course on the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) General Policy Recommendation (GPR) No. 15 on combating hate speech was launched, with the participation of 18 judges and prosecutors in Armenia. The course hosted by the Council of Europe’s HELP...

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Trainers of the National Institute of Justice enhanced their knowledge on adult training methodology

16 January 2023 Chisinau

11 trainers of the National Institute of Justice attended 2 days sessions on adult training methodology on January 11-12, 2023. The training of trainers’ sessions tackled theoretical and practical aspects of andragogy. The participants learned and practised the ways of planning a training session...

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How to do twinning projects (peer exchanges) in the field of violence against women and domestic violence?

16 January 2023 Baku

A new tool has been prepared under the project “Raising awareness of the Istanbul Convention and other gender equality standards in Azerbaijan” to promote peer exchanges across institutions in the field of violence against women, domestic violence and gender equality and based on the Council of...

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Показується результатів: 131 - 135 із 555.


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