Expert discussions on the procedural safeguards and protection against undue interferences for lawyers in Armenia

6 September 2021 Armenia

The expert discussions were organised prior to the development of a country-specific action plan for Armenia. They served as a platform for discussing the feasibility of the introduced recommendations, the ways of their transformation into the action plan and their practical realisation with the...

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Increasing the capacities of police investigators and prosecutors on combating hate crime in Ukraine

18 August 2021 Ukraine

As a response to the needs of the Office of the Prosecutor General and the National Police of Ukraine, we organised a training of multipliers in June. The aim is to create a pool of competent staff that can provide police officers and prosecutors with training on the prevention and effective...

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Increasing the capacities of Ukrainian police officers to handle hate crimes affecting LGBTI people

10 August Ukraine

On 21 and 22 July and on 29 and 30 July 2021, 28 police officers increased their knowledge about LGBTI groups and their skills on how to handle hate crimes affecting LGBTI people, thanks to two training courses organised by the regional EU-Council of Europe project on “Strengthening access to...

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Показується результатів: 301 - 303 із 555.


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