Merkezi Aziýa döwletleri geografiki taýdan ýakynlygy, umumy taryhy we köplenç meňzeş jemgyýetçilik, ykdysady we syýasy şertleri sebäpli, jemgyýet durmuşynyň we döwlet dolandyryşynyň köp ugurlarynda şol bir meňzeş kynçylyklar bilen ýüzbe - ýüz bolýarlar. Bu umumylyklar Kanunyň Hökmürowanlygy Maksatnamasynyň sebitleýin gerimleriň döredilmegini we bu umumy kynçylyklary çözmek üçin sebitleýin çäreleri geçirmegi esaslandyrýar we zerur edýär.

Sebitleýin başlangyçlar, dürli ýurtlarda bir ugurda işleyän işgärleriň we hünärmenleriň arasynda aragatnaşyk gurmak we sebitde kabul edilen öňdebaryjy tejribeleri paýlaşmak üçin ajaýyp pursatlary döredýär. Işiň täze ugurlaryny öwrenmek we/ýa-da Ýewropa Geňeşiniň bar bolan iş formatlaryna goşulmak bilen baglanyşykly işlerde sebitleýin ymtylma hem maksada jogap bolup biler.

Serhetara meseleleri çözmek ýa-da sebit derejesinde töwekgelçilikleri anyklamak üçin gepleşikler geçirmek we sebit mehanizmlerini gurmak we durmuşa geçirmek ýaly meselelerde sebitleýin gerim hakykatdanam möhümdir.

Ýurtlaryň şahsy zerurlyklary esasynda, anyk dolandyryş meselelerini çözmegi maksat edinýän ýurda mahsus çäreler sebitleýin ymtylmany tamamlaýar.


Back International conference on models of constitutional complaints in Central Asian countries in Uzbekistan

International conference on models of constitutional complaints in Central Asian countries in Uzbekistan

The Venice Commission of the Council of Europe in co-operation with the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan organised an international conference entitled “Models of constitutional complaints in Central Asian countries” on 25-26 May 2023 in Samarkand.

The event gathered more than 80 participants, including high-level representatives from the Constitutional Courts of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Europe.

The participants shared their experience and a number of best practices in the field of constitutional control, highlighting the role of individual constitutional complaint as an effective mechanism for the protection of the constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens.

Council of Europe experts from France, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Georgia contributed through their presentations of several European systems models of constitutional review.

This conference was organised in the framework of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2023, which is financed by the Council of Europe and the European Union and is implemented by the Council of Europe.

Samarkand, Uzbekistan 25-26 May 2023
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