Soňky ýyllarda Gyrgyzystan, esasan hem, 2015-2019-njy ýyllar üçin Gyrgyzystanyň Goňşyçylyk hyzmatdaşlygynyň ileri tutulýan ugurlarynyň çäginde has giň meseleler boýunça Ýewropa Geňeşi bilen işjeň hyzmatdaşlyk etdi. Bu resminamanyň çäginde “Saýlaw özgertmeleri arkaly demokratiýany güýçlendirmek üçin goldaw”, “Gyrgyzystanda korrupsiýanyň öňüni almagy we oňa garşy göreşmegi güýçlendirmek”, “Täze nesilleriň liderlerini ýetişdirmek: Syýasy öwreniş mekdebi” atly üç sany taslama durmuşa geçirildi.

Ileri tutulýan ugurlaryň 2019-njy ýylyň dekabr aýynda tamamlanmagy bilen, häzirki wagtda Ýewropa Geňeşi we Gyrgyzystanyň häkimiýetleri nobatdaky hyzmatdaşlyk strategiýasyny ara alyp maslahatlaşýarlar. Şol bir wagtyň özünde Merkezi Aziýada Kanunyň Hökmürowanlygy Maksatnamasy Ýewropa Geňeşi bilen Gyrgyzystanyň arasyndaky hyzmatdaşlygyň esasy guraly bolup hyzmat edýär.

Şeýle hem bu döwlet, Ýewropa Bileleşigi we Ýewropa Geňeşiniň “Latyn Amerika, Merkezi Aziýa we Mongoliýa ýurtlarynda saýlaw kanunçylygynyň we tejribesiniň, Adam hukuklary sebitleýin gurallarynyň we mehanizmleriniň özgertmelerine goldaw” atly bilelikdäki maksatnamasyna gatnaşýar.


Back The Kyrgyz Republic acceded to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons

The Kyrgyz Republic acceded to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons

On 22 April 2024, the Kyrgyz Republic officially deposited the instrument of accession to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons of the Council of Europe.

The Convention is primarily intended to facilitate the social rehabilitation of prisoners by giving foreigners convicted of a criminal offence the possibility of serving their sentences in their own countries. It is also rooted in humanitarian considerations, since difficulties in communication by reason of language barriers and the absence of contact with relatives may have detrimental effects on a person imprisoned in a foreign country.

The accession of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons contributes to further development of international co-operation in criminal matters by Kyrgyzstan and represents a visible result of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme’s efforts in creating a common legal space between Europe and Central Asia, based on European and international standards.

The Convention will enter into force in respect of the Kyrgyz Republic on 1 August 2024.

Strasbourg, France 22 April 2024
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