Soňky ýyllarda Gyrgyzystan, esasan hem, 2015-2019-njy ýyllar üçin Gyrgyzystanyň Goňşyçylyk hyzmatdaşlygynyň ileri tutulýan ugurlarynyň çäginde has giň meseleler boýunça Ýewropa Geňeşi bilen işjeň hyzmatdaşlyk etdi. Bu resminamanyň çäginde “Saýlaw özgertmeleri arkaly demokratiýany güýçlendirmek üçin goldaw”, “Gyrgyzystanda korrupsiýanyň öňüni almagy we oňa garşy göreşmegi güýçlendirmek”, “Täze nesilleriň liderlerini ýetişdirmek: Syýasy öwreniş mekdebi” atly üç sany taslama durmuşa geçirildi.

Ileri tutulýan ugurlaryň 2019-njy ýylyň dekabr aýynda tamamlanmagy bilen, häzirki wagtda Ýewropa Geňeşi we Gyrgyzystanyň häkimiýetleri nobatdaky hyzmatdaşlyk strategiýasyny ara alyp maslahatlaşýarlar. Şol bir wagtyň özünde Merkezi Aziýada Kanunyň Hökmürowanlygy Maksatnamasy Ýewropa Geňeşi bilen Gyrgyzystanyň arasyndaky hyzmatdaşlygyň esasy guraly bolup hyzmat edýär.

Şeýle hem bu döwlet, Ýewropa Bileleşigi we Ýewropa Geňeşiniň “Latyn Amerika, Merkezi Aziýa we Mongoliýa ýurtlarynda saýlaw kanunçylygynyň we tejribesiniň, Adam hukuklary sebitleýin gurallarynyň we mehanizmleriniň özgertmelerine goldaw” atly bilelikdäki maksatnamasyna gatnaşýar.


Back Kyrgyzstan: Supporting the anti-corruption compliance in the private sector

Kyrgyzstan: Supporting the anti-corruption compliance in the private sector

On 5-8 September, the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the International Business Council and the Anti-Corruption Business Council of Kyrgyzstan, organised a training of trainers in Bishkek. The event was attended by over 30 private sector representatives, including business associations, small and medium-sized enterprises, and corporations.

The objective of the training was to improve the trainers' understanding of corporate anti-corruption legislation and the tools available to prevent corporate corruption and promote good corporate governance.

The discussions focussed on concepts such as ethics and codes of conduct, policies, and measures for whistle-blower protection. Council of Europe experts and the training participants also addressed the topic of good procurement practices and co-operation with civil society and the public sector.

As a result of the training, participants will be able to introduce and disseminate the knowledge on anti-corruption compliance in their own institutions.

This activity was organised by the Action on “Promoting Transparency and Action against Economic Crime” of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2024, a joint initiative co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan 5-8 September 2023
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