Döwlet edaralarynyň we döwlet dolandyryşynyň netijeli işlemegine goldaw bermek

Merkezi Aziýa ýurtlary öz dolandyryş edaralaryny we döwlet dolandyryşyny kanunçylygyň halkara standartlaryna laýyklykda özgertmek boýunça iş alyp barýarlar. Häzirki çäreler bu tagallalary, Ýewropanyň Hukuk ýoly bilen Demokratiýa üçin Ýewropa Komissiýasynyň (Wenesiýa Komissiýasy) tejribesi esasynda, esasanam Kanunyň Dolandyryş Sanawy (2016-njy ýylda kabul edilen Kanunyň Dolandyryş sanawy, özgertmeler geçirilende salgylanma hökmünde ulanyp boljak ölçegleriň giňişleýin sanawyny berýär) arkaly goldamagy maksat edinýär. Çäreleriň durmuşa geçirilişinde Wenesiýa Komissiýasynyň ozalky pikirleri we teklipleri, şeýle hem Ýewropa Bileleşiginiň Kanun dolandyryş platformasynyň netijeleri göz öňünde tutulýar.

Korporatiw goldawdan başga-da adam hukuklary (adalatyň elýeterliligi, adalatly kazyýet hukugy we ş.m.) ugurlarynda işler alnyp barylýar. Özgertmeleriň depginine we kesgitlenen zerurlyklara baglylykda, Hereket özgertmelere baha bermeklige we olaryň ýerine ýetirilişini kämilleşdirmek babatynda maslahatlaryň taýýarlanylmagyna raýat jemgyýetçiligini we hünärmen jemgyýetlerini çekmegi meýilleşdirýär.


Back Exchanges on constitutional justice and the rule of law in Tajikistan

Exchanges on constitutional justice and the rule of law in Tajikistan

On 10 May 2022, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe jointly organised an international round table on constitutional justice and the rule of law in Dushanbe.

Judges and members of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Tajikistan debated three important topics as regards future constitutional reforms:

• The rule of law as a fundamental constitutional principle

• The impact of constitutional justice on the strengthening of the state under the rule of law

• The role of the constitutional courts in shaping the rule of law principle and ensuring the protection of individual rights

Discussions benefited from the contribution of experts from Armenia, Georgia and Kazakhstan and representatives of the constitutional bodies of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

The international round table was organised in the framework of the joint initiative of the European Union and the Council of Europe, Central Asia Rule of Law Programme, co-financed by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Dushanbe 10 May 2022
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