Ýewropa Geňeşiniň tassyklanan konwensiýalaryny şeýle hem beýleki Ýewropa we halkara hukuk standartlarynyň netijeli durmuşa geçirilmegi, sebitde adam hukuklary goragyny ösdürmek we Ählumumy Kanuny Giňişligini döretmek ugrunda möhüm ähmiýete eýe. Şeýlelik bilen, bu komponentiň esasy maksady Merkezi Aziýanyň adalat hünärmenleriniň adam hukuklary meseleleri baradaky bilimlerini we hünärlerini ýokarlandyrmak we adam hukuklary ýörelgeleriniň gündelik işlerinde ulanylmagyny üpjün etmek. Bu maksada ýetmek üçin, hukuk hünärmenleri üçin esasy okuw platformasy bolan we Ýewropa Geňeşiniň dürli konwensiýalaryny öz içine alýan, Hukukçy hünärmenler üçin adam hukuklary boýunça okuw maksatnamasy (HELP) doly ulanylar. Çäreleriň çäginde Merkezi Aziýanyň belli kazylary, prokurorlary we aklawçylary milli hukuk buýruklaryna uýgunlaşdyrylan we milli dillere terjime edilen HELP okuwlaryny saýlamak esasynda tälim alarlar.


Back Launch of the Council of Europe HELP course “International co-operation in criminal matters” in Uzbekistan

Launch of the Council of Europe HELP course “International co-operation in criminal matters” in Uzbekistan

On 4 March 2024, the Council of Europe in co-operation with the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan launched the HELP course “International co-operation in criminal matters” in Tashkent. 31 law enforcement officials from numerous regions of the country attended the event, which took place in the premises of the General Prosecutor’s Office.

The course, translated in Uzbek and adapted to the national legal framework, provides participants with in-depth knowledge on the topic. Following the completion of the course, they will be equipped with practical tools for dealing with criminal cases with an international element, applying the human-rights approach of the Council of Europe.

Svetlana Artykova, Deputy General Prosecutor of the Republic of Uzbekistan underlined the importance of international cooperation both to punish criminals and to support Uzbek nationals abroad. Givi Bagdavadze, Head of the international co-operation Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Georgia, presented the international framework related to international co-operation and shared good practices from Georgia. Natalia Vorobyeva, senior lawyer at the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights, offered a comprehensive overview of extradition standards, as well as the application of interim measures (Rule 39 of the Rules of Court) by the Court.

Participants to the course will be supported by two national HELP tutors and will receive HELP certificates issued by the Council of Europe following the completion of the course.

The activity was organised by the action "HELP in Central Asia" in the framework of the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2024, a joint initiative co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Tashkent, Uzbekistan 4 March 2024
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