Ýewropa bilen Merkezi Aziýanyň arasynda Umumy Kanuny Giňişligini döretmek we adam hukuklaryny goramak

Ýewropa (kontinental) we merkezi Aziýanyň hukuk sistemalary taryhy taýdan umumy köklerden gelip çykanlygy sebäpli, köp babatda meňzeşligine galýar. Bu çäreniň strategiki maksady, Ýewropa bilen Merkezi Aziýanyň arasynda, Ýewropa we halkara standartlara esaslanýan Umumy Kanuny Giňişligini döretmek prosesine başlamak. Bu çäräniň iki sany goşmaça komponenti bar: Ýewropa Geňeşiniň konwensiýalaryna düşünmek we bilim arkaly adam hukuklarynyň goralmagyny güýçlendirmek. Ikinji komponent, Hukukçy hünärmenler üçin adam hukuklary boýunça okuw makstanamasynyň (HELP) çäginde amala aşyrylýar.


Ýewropa Geňeşiniň konwensiýalary adam hukuklaryny, demokratiýany we kanunyň hökmürowanlygyny berkitmek, şeýle hem Umumy-Ýewropa derejesinde we onuň daşynda umumy hukuk çäklerini ösdürmek üçin möhüm salgylanma hasaplanýar. Şonuň üçin Merkezi Aziýada milli guramalaryň we raýat jemgyýetiniň gatnaşyjylarynyň arasynda konwensiýa ulgamynyň dogry düşünilmegine we netijeli amala aşyrylmagyna ýardam bermek möhümdir. Çäreleriň çäginde we her bir hyzmatdaşyň zerurlyklaryna we ileri tutýan ugurlaryna baglylykda sebitleýin we milli derejede aşakdaky çäreler gurnalýar:

  • Kanuny gözden geçirme we bahalandyrma;
  • Teklipleri we neşirleri taýýarlamak;
  • Özara deňdeş alyş-çalyşlar, konferensiýalar, seminarlar, iş toparlary we ş.m.

Back Uzbekistan: Conference on the prospects of development of the bar

Uzbekistan: Conference on the prospects of development of the bar

At the initiative of the Chamber of lawyers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the international conference of lawyers in Uzbekistan on “The prospects of the development of the bar: experience of Uzbekistan and foreign countries” gathered more than 200 participants on 4th November 2022 in Tashkent.

This conference allowed legal professionals to exchange on issues such as digitalisation of the legal profession, free legal aid, professional development and training of lawyers from their national and the international perspectives. The first Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis (Parliament) of Uzbekistan, Mr Akmal Saidov, emphasised the critical importance of training in the legal sphere and the relevance of the HELP Programme of the Council of Europe in that context.

Participants benefited from the experiences of Central Asian countries, Georgia, Armenia, India, and South Korea. They increased their understanding of the existing legal training tools, in particular of the HELP Programme and how it is being implemented in Uzbekistan.

The conference was supported by the action "HELP in Central Asia" within the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme 2020-2023 which is a joint initiative, co-funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe.

Tashkent, Uzbekistan 4 November 2022
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