Country Republic of Moldova

Taking stock of progress and results achieved in the last six-month period of our project

1 December 2021 Republic of Moldova

During the fourth Steering Group meeting, held online on 1 December, the project’s implementing partners took stock of the results and the progress achieved over the last six month and they approved the action plan for the next period. Particular focus has been put on key initiatives of the...

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Web article on problems encountered by people with HIV

15 November 2021 Republic of Moldova

A new storytelling article tackling hate speech and discrimination against persons with HIV in the Republic of Moldova is now available online. The article is part of a series of six web articles developed by the journalistic platform "Oameni și Kilometri" in co-operation with the Ombudsoffice,...

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Clerks from Moldovan courts consolidate their knowledge on combating discrimination

26 October 2021 Republic of Moldova

Clerks from Moldovan courts participated in an online training course on how to deal with cases of discrimination, through the perspective of the European Convention for Human Rights and the national legislation. The training was focused on the prohibition of discrimination under the European...

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Web article on problems encountered due to intolerance based on religion

15 October 2021 Republic of Moldova

A new storytelling article tackling hate speech and discrimination against religious minorities in the Republic of Moldova is based on a real life story of a young woman who faced public criticism because of her religion. Her challenging path and the story of successful engagement in community...

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Creation of a new IT tool for publishing judicial statistics in the Republic of Moldova

1 October 2021 Republic of Moldova

A national Internet-based tool, JUSTAT, aimed at publishing data about the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova, such as statistics, key indicators and other information on the performance of the court system, has just been published for supporting the national authorities to further...

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