Ýewropa bilen Merkezi Aziýanyň arasynda Umumy Kanuny Giňişligini döretmek we adam hukuklaryny goramak

Ýewropa (kontinental) we merkezi Aziýanyň hukuk sistemalary taryhy taýdan umumy köklerden gelip çykanlygy sebäpli, köp babatda meňzeşligine galýar. Bu çäreniň strategiki maksady, Ýewropa bilen Merkezi Aziýanyň arasynda, Ýewropa we halkara standartlara esaslanýan Umumy Kanuny Giňişligini döretmek prosesine başlamak. Bu çäräniň iki sany goşmaça komponenti bar: Ýewropa Geňeşiniň konwensiýalaryna düşünmek we bilim arkaly adam hukuklarynyň goralmagyny güýçlendirmek. Ikinji komponent, Hukukçy hünärmenler üçin adam hukuklary boýunça okuw makstanamasynyň (HELP) çäginde amala aşyrylýar.


Ýewropa Geňeşiniň konwensiýalary adam hukuklaryny, demokratiýany we kanunyň hökmürowanlygyny berkitmek, şeýle hem Umumy-Ýewropa derejesinde we onuň daşynda umumy hukuk çäklerini ösdürmek üçin möhüm salgylanma hasaplanýar. Şonuň üçin Merkezi Aziýada milli guramalaryň we raýat jemgyýetiniň gatnaşyjylarynyň arasynda konwensiýa ulgamynyň dogry düşünilmegine we netijeli amala aşyrylmagyna ýardam bermek möhümdir. Çäreleriň çäginde we her bir hyzmatdaşyň zerurlyklaryna we ileri tutýan ugurlaryna baglylykda sebitleýin we milli derejede aşakdaky çäreler gurnalýar:

  • Kanuny gözden geçirme we bahalandyrma;
  • Teklipleri we neşirleri taýýarlamak;
  • Özara deňdeş alyş-çalyşlar, konferensiýalar, seminarlar, iş toparlary we ş.m.

Back European Union and Council of Europe present the state of implementation of their joint programme in Central Asia to support human rights, democracy and the rule of law

European Union and Council of Europe present the state of implementation of their joint programme in Central Asia to support human rights, democracy and the rule of law

The first Regional Steering Committee Meeting of the European Union and Council of Europe joint Central Asia Rule of Law Programme will be held online on Friday, 4 June 2021.

The meeting will take stock of the Programme’s achievements within almost one and a half year of implementation in supporting the reform process in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan in the areas of human rights protection, fight against economic crime and promotion of effective functioning of state institutions. Participants will also discuss plans and perspectives for mutual work in the upcoming period until 2023.

The meeting will be opened by Sven-Olov Carlsson, European Union Ambassador to Kazakhstan and Verena Taylor, Director of the Office of the Directorate General of Programmes of the Council of Europe; in presence of high-level government representatives from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Participants will include officials from beneficiary institutions: Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Cabinets of Ministers, Ministries of Justice, General Prosecutor’s Offices, Ombudsman Offices, Supreme Courts and others as well as representatives from the European Union and the Council of Europe.

The Central Asia Rule of Law Programme is a joint initiative of the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the Council of Europe in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan over the period of four years (2020-2023). The Programme aims to improve the lives of citizens by reinforcing human rights, rule of law and democracy in accordance with European and other international standards, based on a demand-driven approach. The Programme consists of three main Actions:

For more information on the Central Asia Rule of Law Programme.

Strasbourg 25 May 2021
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