Topic Judicial reforms

Taking stock of progress and results achieved in the last six-month period of our project

1 December 2021 Republic of Moldova

During the fourth Steering Group meeting, held online on 1 December, the project’s implementing partners took stock of the results and the progress achieved over the last six month and they approved the action plan for the next period. Particular focus has been put on key initiatives of the...

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Court Manager’s Forum in Georgia

27 November 2021 Georgia

Court managers from the country’s courts have attended the forum held on 26-27 November. Through this two-day forum, participants had the possibility to follow-up on developments related to the electronic case management rule of the Courts and the definition of the next steps towards its...

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Judges of Armenia enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal procedure legislation of Armenia

26 November 2021 Armenia

A two-day seminar on “Selected issues of new Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) of Armenia” was organised for judges of Armenia on 25-26 November in the Justice Academy, in Yerevan. Certain types of proceedings, evidence and proving as prescribed in the new CPC were presented to the judges and...

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Judiciary of the Court of Cassation of Armenia enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal and procedural legislation

18 November 2021 Armenia

Two workshops on selected issues of new Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Armenia were organised for judges, experts and judicial assistants of the Court of Cassation of Armenia at Mariotte Hotel in Yerevan. During the first workshop, the participants discussed the operation of the...

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Online Presentation of the Report on ''Gender Impact Assessment: the Judicial Code of Armenia and its Derivative Legal Acts”

29 october 2021 armenia

On 29 October 2021 the online presentation of the report on ''Gender Impact Assessment: the Judicial Code of Armenia and its Derivative Legal Acts” took place in the framework of the project ''Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in...

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Clerks from Moldovan courts consolidate their knowledge on combating discrimination

26 October 2021 Republic of Moldova

Clerks from Moldovan courts participated in an online training course on how to deal with cases of discrimination, through the perspective of the European Convention for Human Rights and the national legislation. The training was focused on the prohibition of discrimination under the European...

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Round table discussion on the challenges related to the practical application of the Civil Procedural Code of Armenia

20 October 2021 Armenia

On 19 October 2021 the round table discussion on the challenges related to the practical application of the Civil Procedural Code of Armenia took place in the framework of the project ''Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia,''...

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Trainers of the Justice Academy, School of Advocates and Educational Complex of the Police enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal legislation of Armenia

8-10 October 2021 Armenia

First three-day training of trainers (ToT) on “Selected issues of new Criminal Code of Armenia” was organised for trainers on 1-3 October and second three-day ToT on “Selected issues of new Criminal Procedure Code of Armenia” was organised for another group of trainers on 8-10 October in...

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Creation of a new IT tool for publishing judicial statistics in the Republic of Moldova

1 October 2021 Republic of Moldova

A national Internet-based tool, JUSTAT, aimed at publishing data about the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova, such as statistics, key indicators and other information on the performance of the court system, has just been published for supporting the national authorities to further...

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Consultation meetings to define national-level indicators able to demonstrate the effect of judicial reforms in Azerbaijan

23 September 2021 Azerbaijan

From 27 to 30 September 2021, the Council of Europe European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) will organise four half-day online consultations from CEPEJ experts with representatives of the Ministry of Justice, Supreme Court, Judicial Legal Council and Justice Academy of...

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Discussion of the Draft Law on Mediation

22 September 2021 Armenia

On 17 September 2021 the discussion of the draft law on mediation took place in the framework of the project "Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia." One of the Project’s components is focused on the improvement of the...

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Call for proposals: Grants for support to civil society organisations for increasing access to justice for victims of discrimination in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine

8 September 2021 Strasbourg

Under the framework of the European Union and Council of Europe joint programme Partnership for Good Governance, and its regional project "Strengthening access to justice through non-judicial redress mechanisms for victims of discrimination, hate speech and hate crimes in the Eastern Partnership...

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Expert discussions on the procedural safeguards and protection against undue interferences for lawyers in Armenia

6 September 2021 Armenia

The expert discussions were organised prior to the development of a country-specific action plan for Armenia. They served as a platform for discussing the feasibility of the introduced recommendations, the ways of their transformation into the action plan and their practical realisation with the...

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A new manual to ease individuals’ access to Constitutional Justice in Georgia available now

28 July 2021 Georgia

Constitutional Court’s case law on admissibility criteria has been compiled and analysed in the manual "Constitutional Complains' Admissibility Standards." It is the first manual of its kind, and its’ aim is to guide individuals, citizens, civil society representatives and other potential parties...

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Leadership training for women-judges

22 July 2021 Armenia

On 22 July 2021 the online training on Leadership skills development for women-judges took place within in the framework project ''Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia.'' One of the Project’s components is focused on...

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Moldovan National Institute of Justice trainers enhanced their skills to deliver both in-person and online interactive trainings

13 July 2021 Republic of Moldova

With the aim to create a more conducive learning environment in judicial training courses, whether they take place online or in classrooms, a course was held remotely for twelve trainers of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). The trainers participating are engaged in delivering initial and...

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Raising awareness on hate speech in the Republic of Moldova

13 July 2021 Republic of Moldova

Hate speech harms individuals and the groups it targets, and it harms the social cohesion and democratic principles of societies. To raise awareness in the Republic of Moldova about this issue, several activities are carried out in the second half of 2021 by the regional project “Strengthening...

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Legal expertise service of the Armenian Cassation Court enhanced their skills on specific aspects of the application of the Convention standards

2 July 2021 Armenia

The seminar "Specific aspects of the application of Articles 5 and 6 of ECHR at the national level" was organised for the legal expertise service and judicial assistants of the Court of Cassation of Armenia. Participants improved their knowledge and skills: In the right to hear witnesses in...

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A new Criminal Procedure Code of Armenia adopted in line with Council of Europe expertise

2 July 2021 Armenia

On 30 June 2021, the Armenian Parliament adopted a new Criminal Procedure Code (CPC). The new criminal procedure legislation is a result of several years of complex legislative work of the Armenian authorities. The Council of Europe supported the preparation of the new Code with legal expertise....

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Court management online training session in Azerbaijan

25 June 2021 Azerbaijan

An online training session for trainers on court management, in particular on the collection and analysis of judicial statistics, performance evaluation, measuring the quality of justice and case and time management was held on 23-25 June. The participants were judges and court presidents, court...

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Presentation of the Analysis on how CEPEJ methods can be applied on judicial statistics in Georgia

25 June 2021 Georgia

The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) organised an online seminar to present the analysis of existing data and statistical reporting processes to demonstrate the use of CEPEJ methods to guide and support policy and managerial capacity required for the creation of...

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Online training on appeals against acts of enforcement agents in national courts in the Republic of Moldova

16 June 2021 Republic of Moldova

A series of 10 online training seminars are being conducted in the field of enforcement in civil and administrative matters, largely based on the new Commentary to the Enforcement Code, recently developed at the initiative of the Council of Europe. The agenda of these training is focused on the...

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Online discussion of the Opinion of the methodology and the procedure for the performance evaluation of Court of Cassation/Supreme Court judges in Armenia

14 July 2021 Armenia

On 11 June 2021 the online discussion of the Opinion of the methodology and the procedure for the performance evaluation of Court of Cassation/Supreme Court judges in Armenia took place in the framework of the project "Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and...

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Webinar on reasonable length of proceedings and case backlog in Georgian courts

3 June 2021 Georgia

A second webinar, part of a series dedicated to “Judicial proceedings within reasonable time”, was held on 3 June 2021. Its aim was to present Council of Europe European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) timeframes in conformity with Article 6 of the European Convention of Human...

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Online discussion of the study ''Gender equality in the judiciary of Armenia: challenges and opportunities''

26 May 2021 Armenia

An online discussion of the study ''Gender equality in the judiciary of Armenia: challenges and opportunities,'' took place on 25 May in the framework of the Partnership for Good Governance II (2019-2022) project ''Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of...

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Evaluation of the performance of enforcement systems and reporting in the Republic of Moldova

25 May 2021 Republic of Moldova

An online seminar on the evaluation and reporting on the performance of enforcement systems and their agents was conducted in the Republic of Moldova. The seminar gathered 25 participants, from the Moldovan National Union of Enforcement Agents as well as court presidents and judges. With the...

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Improving the methodology of distribution of resources in the Moldovan judiciary by using statistical data

20 May 2021 Republic of Moldova

The ability of the courts and of the judiciary in general to properly evaluate and reason their needs is a key aspect of modern judicial management. The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) organised a second online seminar on taking decisions with regard to the distribution...

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Online discussion of the Comparative analysis on certain aspects of arbitration in Armenia

11 May 2021 Armenia

On 5 May 2021 the online discussion of the Comparative analysis on certain aspects of arbitration in Armenia took place in the framework of the project “Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia.” One of the Project components is...

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Georgia: Urgent Opinion on the amendments to the Organic law on Common Courts (appointment of Supreme Court judges) issued by Venice Commission

29 April 2021 Strasbourg, France

The Venice Commission in its urgent opinion welcomes the amendments to the Organic Law of Georgia on Common Courts, which have taken into account several of its previous recommendations. Nevertheless, there are a number of outstanding recommendations that should be considered in order to ensure...

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Training on financial investigation for Georgian law enforcement

27-28 April 2021 Georgia

The Council of Europe in cooperation with the Office of the Prosecutor General of Georgia organised a two-day training on “Financial investigation of money laundering/financing of terrorism cases”. The activity was delivered in “hybrid” format with the online involvement of international Council...

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#JusticeForAll campaign launched in Georgia to promote access to justice free of visible and invisible barriers

27 April 2021 Georgia

Access to justice is a fundamental prerequisite for the protection of basic human rights by citizens. To improve access to justice means to tackle existing inequalities and provide quality services to all, notwithstanding their gender, ethnicity, race, identity, age, social condition or physical...

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Presentation of the Handbook on improving the quality of judicial decisions

27 april 2021 Armenia

On 27 April 2021 the online presentation of the Handbook on improving the quality of judicial decisions developed by the Council of Europe international consultant Oleksandr Ovchynnykov, took place in the framework of the project ''Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and...

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Concluding the series of discussions to enhance the quality of justice in Georgia

26 April 2021 Georgia

Evening Talks, a series of online discussions aiming at contributing to the quality of improvement of the justice system in Georgia concluded with its final session held on 18 April. This series created an online platform promoting different policy papers, guidelines, and documents developed by...

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Second meeting of the Steering Committee of the Project "Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia"

14 April 2021 armenia

On 14 April 2021 the second meeting of the Steering Committee of the Project "Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia" was held online. The Project is funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe and implemented by the...

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Evening talks on 14 April: the series of discussions to enhance the quality of justice in Georgia

13 April 2021 Georgia

This session is a series of online discussions under the name Evening talks aiming at contributing to the quality improvement of the justice system in Georgia. The online programme creates a platform promoting different policy papers, guidelines, and documents developed by the Council of Europe...

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Legal professionals in Armenia trained on procedural safeguards in criminal proceedings and victims’ rights

31 March 2021 Armenia

The first group of judges, prosecutors and investigators have successfully completed a distance-learning course on procedural safeguards in criminal proceedings and victims’ rights. This course has been translated and adapted to the Armenian legal context and launched in co-operation with the...

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Online discussion of the assessment of the methodology and the procedure for the performance evaluation of judges

30 March 2021 Armenia

On 30 March 2021 an online discussion on the ''Assessment of the methodology and the procedure for the performance evaluation of judges” took place in the framework of the project ''Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia,''...

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Evening talks: the series of discussions to enhance the quality of justice in Georgia

22 March 2021 Online

A series of online discussions under the name “Evening talks”, aiming at contributing to the quality improvement of the justice system in Georgia, continues during the month of March. The online programme creates a platform promoting different policy papers, guidelines, and documents developed by...

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Improving the enforcement system in Azerbaijan

19 March 2021 Azerbaijan

The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) has developed two important documents in the framework of its project to support the improvement of the enforcement system in Azerbaijan. The documents were drafted by the experts Mathieu Chardon and Jos Uitdehaag, based on the results...

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One in four people felt discriminated in the Republic of Moldova during the last year

16 March 2021 Republic of Moldova

The general population and professionals in the Republic of Moldova consider discrimination a widespread problem, according to a national study conducted in the period September-November 2020. One in four people from the general population interviewed stated that they have felt discriminated in...

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Moldovan judicial staff trained on discrimination on ground of disability

2 March 2021 Remote

On 2 March , 30 representatives from Moldovan courts and prosecutor offices were trained on the subject of discrimination on ground of disability, The training was organized in cooperation with the National Institute of Justice in the framework of the European Union and Council of Europe joint...

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Online discussion of the post-adoption review of the Judicial Code of Armenia

26 February 2021 Armenia

On 26 February 2021 an online discussion of the ''Post-adoption review of the Judicial Code of Armenia'' took place in the framework of the project '“Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia” (the Project). One of the Project...

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Steering Group meeting of the European Union / Council of Europe joint Project in the Republic of Moldova

25 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

On 25 February 2021 the third meeting of the Steering Group for the project “Support to further strengthening the efficiency and quality of the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova” was held. The event was attended by partners of the project and by a representative of the Delegation of the...

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Seminar on optimal resource distribution in courts

25 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

A seminar on the use of CEPEJ tools to optimise the distribution of resources in courts has been organised in a videoconference format. European experts familiarised the participants with methods on applying Key Performance Indicators and statistical data to strengthen court management in...

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Training Programme for Judges and Assistants of Judges on Legal drafting of the Judicial Decisions

23-24 February 2021 Armenia

Legal drafting of judicial decisions was the key topic of a two-day training organised on 23-24 February 2021, in the framework of the project “Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia”. Seventeen national judges and assistants of...

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Building capacities on judicial communication in the Republic of Moldova

19 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) organised an online training session on court communication for more than 40 justice professionals, including judges, court presidents, as well as representatives of the Superior Council of Magistrates and the Ministry of Justice. The...

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A strategic approach for the monitoring function of the Moldovan Equality Council

19 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

In an online meeting, independent equality and human rights expert Niall Crowley presented the results of a remote assessment of the Monitoring Strategy of the Moldovan Equality Council for 2021-2023. "This (monitoring strategy, n.r.) represents a significant step in strengthening the planned and...

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Networking and knowledge depository platform for lawyers from Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine now available

17 February 2021 Online

A new platform for networking, exchanging information and best practices, accessing key documents, including pieces of legislation and research is now accessible to lawyers, bar associations and legal professional in the Eastern Partnership countries. The platform was presented at the second...

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Strengthening the efficiency and effectiveness of the recommendations issued by the Moldovan Equality Council


A report commissioned by the Council of Europe to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of recommendations made by the Equality Council in the Republic of Moldova concerning discrimination cases, is now published online. Niall Crowley, international consultant, presented the report proposing...

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Improving judicial communication to increase the public confidence in the judicial system of the Republic of Moldova

20 January 2021 Republic of Moldova

An assessment report that will help the national courts in the country to further strengthen the institutional capacities to develop better communication practices, internally and in relations with mass-media and the large public, has been presented. During the workshop organised on 20 January...

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Strengthening the access to justice for vulnerable groups in the Republic of Moldova

20 January 2021 Republic of Moldova

Equal access to judicial services for all citizens, specifically access to courts for vulnerable groups including victims of discrimination, persons with disabilities, women, and children has been the focus of the online event organised on 20 January 2021. Representatives of key justice sector...

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Consultative Council of European Judges' Opinion 23 on the role of associations of judges in supporting judicial independence will be discussed online


On 17 December at 15:00 (CET) evening discussions about Consultative Council of European Judges' (CCJE) Opinion 23 on the role of associations of judges in supporting judicial independence will be held online. The main objective of the Opinion is to provide a framework within which the right of...

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Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Equality Council recommendations - key tool in fighting discrimination in Moldova


The EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance supports the Moldovan Equality Council (Council for Preventing and Eliminating Discrimination and Ensuring Equality - CPEDEE) in increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of its recommendations. On 23 and 24 November, a 2-days round of discussions was...

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National PGG II project on anti-discrimination holds its second Steering Committee Meeting


On 27 November 2020, the joint EU / CoE project implemented in the frame of the Partnership for Good Governance II ”Strengthening the capacities of the justice sector actors to deliver justice in line with European standards, in particular to fight discrimination in the Republic of Moldova”...

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Moldovan Equality Council staff learning on the right to apply to the Constitutional Court based on the new constitutionality review of legislation


In the context of the current draft amendments to the national legislation, aimed at empowering the Moldovan Equality Council with the right to apply to the Constitutional Court for constitutionality review of legislation, the EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance Programme supports the Moldovan...

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Moldovan stakeholders involved in the meetings of the CEPEJ working group on judicial time management

9-10 November 2020 ONLINE

On 9 and 10 November 2020 the representatives of the partner institutions from Moldova – the Agency for Court Administration and the National Union of Enforcement Agents – attended the online 28th meeting of the Working group on judicial time management (CEPEJ-SATURN). The working group has the...

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Judicial staff Training on European standards on discrimination

28 October 2020 Online

EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance Programme supports the National Institute of Justice in training the judicial staff on identifying and better understanding discrimination, according to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and EU legislation. Throughout a 1-day online training,...

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21 lawyers and trainee lawyers consolidated their theoretical knowledge and practice on non-discrimination

30 October Online

EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance Programme supports the Lawyers’ Training Centre of the Moldovan Bar Association in providing capacity building for lawyers and trainee lawyers on non-discrimination, in line with the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and EU legislation. A total...

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Moldovan lawyers instructed how to submit applications to ECHR

27 October 2020 Online

On 27 October, lawyers from Moldova received formation on the procedure for examining admissibility of applications to the ECHR. This highly practical online training was delivered by international consultant and human rights lawyer Dmitri Bartenev from Sankt Petersburg. He shared his experience...

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IT-based solutions are envisaged to increase the efficiency of the enforcement system in the Republic of Moldova

09 October 2020 Moldova

A coordination meeting in online format took place on 9 October 2020 to address the needs and discuss further steps in the implementation of IT-based solutions for the enforcement system in civil and administrative matters. The meeting was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Justice...

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Workshop on how to improve the relations between the judiciary and the media in Georgia

7 October 2020 Online

On 7 October 2020, a webinar will be organised for the Georgian judicial professionals on media and communication skills with focus on social and new media. This workshop will be based on the Guide on communication with the media and the public for courts and prosecuting authorities developed by...

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Three Training of Trainers sessions organised in Armenia

25-27 September 2020 Armenia

Three-day training of trainers (ToT) on “Techniques for drafting judgments and decisions”, “Current issues of the cross-examination (confrontation)” and “Interviewing techniques and communications management” was organised in co-operation with the Justice Academy on 25-27 September in...

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GEORGIA - The School of Justice Alumni Network – the way for opportunities for court staff and law school students

The School of Justice Alumni Network established in 2019 continues to be active even under the restrictions and the lockdown caused by COVID-19. The #Onlinetalks - thematic discussions in the field of justice, support of different initiatives, makes the platform even stronger.

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Adjusted case management system of the Constitutional Court of GEORGIA

The case management system of the Constitutional Court of Georgia has been adjusted giving the possibility to Georgian citizens to get all relevant case-related information online thus ensuring access to justice even under the severe restrictions related to COVID-19.

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