Next question

Are you able to correctly identify and assess hate speech?

  • 10 Yes
  • 0 No
  • 5 Not always

Have you ever analysed a case of hate-speech?

  • 10 Yes
  • 0 No
  • 5 No, but I am familiar with (some) parts of the analysis

Do you know how to report hate speech on all the platforms you use (e.g Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.)

  • 10 Yes
  • 0 No
  • 5 Not on all of them

Are you familiar with counter and alternative narratives to hate-speech?

  • 10 Yes
  • 0 No
  • 5 Only vaguely

Have you ever used counter or alternative narratives?

  • 10 Yes
  • 0 No
  • 5 I have a good understanding of the concepts, but I’ve never used them

Do you know initiatives/projects/organisations working against hate speech?

  • 10 Yes, several
  • 0 No, none
  • 5 Some

Have you ever made social media content to counter hate speech?

  • 10 Yes
  • 0 No
  • 5 No but I have supported an initiative/project/campaign

Are you part of an organisation/campaign/initiative that works to counter hate speech?

  • 10 Yes
  • 0 No
  • 5 No, but I’d like to

Your score: 

You may need to learn a bit more about hate speech before using these tools. Have you thought about accessing some resources? Follow this link and keep in touch to start this journey.

We recommend that you start with the BEGINNER level of our online tool to analyse hate speech. Follow this link to know more and to discover how best to respond to hate speech.

Guida per principianti per analizzare il discorso d’odio >>


This means you are able to identify hate speech and that you can find the resources that can best fit your journey at our INTERMEDIATE level. We hope that these resources can support your actions to push back against hate speech and enable you to develop efficient and more complex strategies.

Guida per il livello intermedio per l’analisi del discorso d’odio >>

We recommend that you use our ADVANCED tool to analyse hate speech. It is tailored to help those who are already active in the field of pushing back against hate speech but who may need additional support to strengthen their actions and campaigns, making them more effective and proficient in the development of original human rights based counter narratives.

Guida di livello avanzato per analizzare un caso di discorso d’odio >>