Country Republic of Moldova

Police officers, prosecutors and judges from the Republic of Moldova will improve their professional skills to combat hate crime

1 March 2021 Republic of Moldova

Combating hate crimes is a key issue for law enforcement and the judicial system and a key step in this process is the development of capacities of those involved, according to international standards and a coordinated approach. On 1 March 2021, our project launched a training of trainers for 28...

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Raising awareness of young people in relation to discrimination and hate speech in the Republic of Moldova

26 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

The "MilleniuM" Training and Development Institute is implementing until July 2021 a national project in the Republic of Moldova raising awareness of young people in relation to discrimination and hate speech, with the support of the European Union/Council of Europe joint programme Partnership...

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Steering Group meeting of the European Union / Council of Europe joint Project in the Republic of Moldova

25 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

On 25 February 2021 the third meeting of the Steering Group for the project “Support to further strengthening the efficiency and quality of the judicial system in the Republic of Moldova” was held. The event was attended by partners of the project and by a representative of the Delegation of the...

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Seminar on optimal resource distribution in courts

25 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

A seminar on the use of CEPEJ tools to optimise the distribution of resources in courts has been organised in a videoconference format. European experts familiarised the participants with methods on applying Key Performance Indicators and statistical data to strengthen court management in...

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Building capacities on judicial communication in the Republic of Moldova

19 February 2021 Republic of Moldova

The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) organised an online training session on court communication for more than 40 justice professionals, including judges, court presidents, as well as representatives of the Superior Council of Magistrates and the Ministry of Justice. The...

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