PACE Hearing on gender equality in sport in Copenhagen

Charlotte Girard-Fabre at PACE Hearing

27 May 2024 Parliament of Denmark – Landstingssalen, Copenhagen

Charlotte Girard-Fabre, Chair of the Consultative Committee of the Council of Europe’s Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS), spoke on 27 May 2024 at a Hearing of the Parliamentary Assembly’s Culture, Science, Education and Media Committee in Copenhagen, Denmark, where she presented an...

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EPAS Breakfast Roundtable on Sport officiating and gender equality

8 March 2024 Strasbourg, France

The Council of Europe’s Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) held its annual gender equality roundtable on the occasion of International Women’s Day on 8 March 2024 in hybrid format (online from Strasbourg, France). This year’s focus was on sport officiating. Specialists from different...

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Conference "Sport and gender, an international vision"

30 November 2023 Barcelona, Spain

On 30 November 2023, the FC Barcelona Foundation and DIPLOCAT organised the Conference "Esport i gènere, una visió internacional" ("Sport and gender, an international vision"). The event took place in the FC Barcelona Auditorium 1899 and was attended by experts and professionals from Catalonia,...

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All In Plus informative session: promoting greater gender equality in sport through the media

2 November 2023 Lausanne, Switzerland

Media and sports journalism have the power to present and represent the prism through which we digest sports content. This is a huge responsibility and given the billion-dollar industry that sport constitutes, power, money and influence abound. For this reason, the joint European Union - Council...

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All In Plus presentation at the 17th meeting of the EPAS Governing Board and Consultative Committee

9 June 2023 Strasbourg, France

Olivia Conrad and Kateryna Lavryk from the Secretariat of the Council of Europe Sport Division, currently in charge of the project "All in Plus – Promoting greater gender equality in sport" presented the project’s goal, pillars, tools and activities foreseen to the members of the EPAS Governing...

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Launch meeting of the All In Plus project

10 May 2023 Strasbourg, France

The launch meeting of the joint CoE-EU joint project “All In plus” took place on 10 May 2023 at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg and brought together a total of 168 participants (119 women and 49 men) -experts and partners - in a hybrid format. The opening session was opened by Marja Ruotanen,...

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New EU-CoE project

All In Plus: Promoting greater gender equality in sport

10 May 2023 Hybrid (Strasbourg, France and online)

Gender equality is a fundamental principle and essential aim for both the Council of Europe (CoE) and the European Union (EU). The CoE and the EU are pursuing their co-operation in the field of gender equality in sport in the framework of the joint project “All In Plus” (March 2023 – March 2025)....

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Senior Project Manager

Kateryna LAVRYK

Junior Project Officer