Intermediate: how to analyse the reach of hate speech

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When analysing a case of hate speech, it is also important to consider the reach (extent) of the hate speech act. You will thus have to analyse the medium in which the speech has been shared and the frequency of the dissemination.

 Criteria to be considered

Nature of the expression

This means identifying if the message was expressed in a public or a private context. Expressions shared in private contexts do not aim to produce harmful results and are protected by the right to privacy.

Means of dissemination

The medium in which the speech was shared is very important as it might help you understand the speaker’s potential to reach either large audiences or their intended audience. The answer options are “Likely inefficient at reaching the intended audience”, “Likely moderately efficient at reaching the intended audience”, “Likely efficient at reaching the intended audience”. Social media and new media can be considered more efficient than traditional media when it comes to younger audiences.

Frequency of the dissemination of the hate message

Here you should look into how many times the speaker has repeated the hate message. The answer options are: “Single time dissemination”, “Moderate frequency of dissemination”, “High frequency of dissemination”.