Le Conseil de l’Europe et l’Union Européenne gèrent des partenariats et des programmes joints sur divers sujets, vous en trouverez la liste ci-dessous :
Les sites web des Programmes Joints (EU-CoE)
Veuillez noter que la liste ci-dessous n'est pas une liste exhaustive des programmes joints entre la COE et l'UE et implémentés par le COE. Il s'agit d'une liste technique des sites web disponibles sur cette plateforme. Pour de plus amples renseignements sur ces Programmes Joints, visitez la page EU co-operation de l'Office de la Direction Générale des Programmes
- Access of Roma and Traveller Women to Justice (JUSTROM)
- ALL IN: Towards gender balance in sport
- Building Capacity for Inclusion in Education (INCLUDE)
- Central Asia Rule of Law Programme
- Child Safeguarding in Sport (CSiS)
- Communication for Integration (C4I)
- Community-Led Urban Strategies in Historic Towns (COMUS)
- Consolidation of Justice Sector Policy Development in Ukraine
- Coyote Magazine - Youth Partnership
- Democratic and Inclusive School Culture in Operation (DISCO)
- Diversity in the Economy and Local Integration (DELI)
- European Heritage Days (EHDs)
- Emerald Network Nature protection sites, Phase II
- Fostering regional development through Cultural Routes - Routes4U Project
- Horizontal Facility
- Inclusive education
- Inclusive Schools - making a difference for Roma children (INSCHOOL)
- Keep Crime out of Sport (KCOOS)
- Partnership for good governance (EAP-PCF)
- Partnership for good governance (as from phase II)
- Prison reform Programme in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Promotiing good governance and Roma empowerment at local level (ROMACTED)
- Promoting Human Rights and Minority Protection in South East Europe
- Programmatic Cooperation Framework (EAP/PCF)
- Promoting and strengthening the Council of Europe standards on safety, security and service at Football Matches and other Sports Events (ProS4+)
- South Programme II
- South Programme (as from phase III)
- Strategic Development of Higher Education and Qualification Standard in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Strengthen Integrity and combat corruption in Higher Education (also available in Albanian and Serbian)
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