Reports and opinions
- Opinion on the revised draft criminal code of the Republic of Armenia (2020)
English - Opinion on the revised draft criminal procedure code of the Republic of Armenia (2020)
English - Situational analysis report: Collection of data on discrimination, hate crimes, and hate speech in Armenia (2019)
Armenian | English
- Expert opinion regarding supporting the criminal justice reforms – Tackling the criminal aspects of the Judicial Reforms in Georgia (2020)
Republic of Moldova
- Disaggregated data collection on hate crime, hate speech and discrimination in the Republic of Moldova: recommendations and situational analysis (2019)
English | Romanian - Report on assessment of the efficiency of the recommendations of the Equality Council in the Republic of Moldova (2021)
English - Report on Equality Council of the Republic of Moldova: a monitoring framework, strategy and process (2020)
English | Romanian
- Baseline study for assessing the national non-discrimination mechanisms in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus (2019)
English | Russian - Comparative review of the procedural and institutional setup of functioning of lawyers in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine (2020)
English - Opinions of the Consultative Council of European Prosecutors (CCPE) - Collection of Opinions Nos 1 to 18 (2007-2023)
Armenian | English