Topic Judicial reforms

Taking stock of progress and results achieved in the last six-month period of our project

1 December 2021 Republic of Moldova

During the fourth Steering Group meeting, held online on 1 December, the project’s implementing partners took stock of the results and the progress achieved over the last six month and they approved the action plan for the next period. Particular focus has been put on key initiatives of the...

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Court Manager’s Forum in Georgia

27 November 2021 Georgia

Court managers from the country’s courts have attended the forum held on 26-27 November. Through this two-day forum, participants had the possibility to follow-up on developments related to the electronic case management rule of the Courts and the definition of the next steps towards its...

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Judges of Armenia enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal procedure legislation of Armenia

26 November 2021 Armenia

A two-day seminar on “Selected issues of new Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) of Armenia” was organised for judges of Armenia on 25-26 November in the Justice Academy, in Yerevan. Certain types of proceedings, evidence and proving as prescribed in the new CPC were presented to the judges and...

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Judiciary of the Court of Cassation of Armenia enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal and procedural legislation

18 November 2021 Armenia

Two workshops on selected issues of new Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Armenia were organised for judges, experts and judicial assistants of the Court of Cassation of Armenia at Mariotte Hotel in Yerevan. During the first workshop, the participants discussed the operation of the...

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Online Presentation of the Report on ''Gender Impact Assessment: the Judicial Code of Armenia and its Derivative Legal Acts”

29 october 2021 armenia

On 29 October 2021 the online presentation of the report on ''Gender Impact Assessment: the Judicial Code of Armenia and its Derivative Legal Acts” took place in the framework of the project ''Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in...

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