Country Ukraine

Methodology for preparation of draft acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine improved

11-12 July 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 11-12 July 2024, a working group brought together the staff of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to discuss the methodology for the preparation of draft acts of the Constitutional Court based on the European standards and best practices. Held in the framework of the EU/Council of Europe...

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Further steps taken by the Regional Network of Eastern Partnership judicial training institutions for advancing women’s access to justice and gender mainstreaming in the justice chain

5 July 2024 Strasbourg

The second meeting of the Eastern Partnership Regional Network of judicial training institutions was held on 5 July 2024 in Strasbourg, as part of the HELP Network Annual Conference. The meeting gathered rectors, vice-rectors and heads of international co-operation departments from Eastern...

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Strengthening Ukrainian Constitutional Justice for EU Integration

28 June 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

The challenges of Ukraine’s European integration process through the prism of the country’s Constitution were the focus of an international conference organised by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. Over 180 participants from Ukraine and abroad participated to the conference and explored...

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European standards on minorities’ protection at the centre of a training for legal professionals in the Republic of Moldova

6-7 June 2024 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

A two-day tailor-made training was organised in co-operation with the National Institute of Justice for 63 legal professionals from judicial institutions in the Republic of Moldova. The aim of the training was to enhance their knowledge and understanding of European standards on the protection of...

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The European Union and the Council of Europe support the Ukrainian authorities in the implementation of the priority reforms towards the alignment with European standards and practice

6 June 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

The European Union and the Council of Europe, together with representatives of national authorities, partner institutions and civil society organisations gathered for the Local Steering Committee meeting of the Partnership for Good Governance Programme. It was an opportunity to take stock of the...

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A round-table on the right to file a constitutional individual complaint with the Latvian and Ukrainian Constitutional Courts

9-10 May 2024 Krakow, Poland

A two-day round-table discussion to exchange on experiences and best practices on the right to file a constitutional individual complain was held on 9 and10 May, with the participation of the Constitutional Courts of Ukraine and the Republic of Latvia. The aim is to contribute to the development...

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Personal data protection in constitutional jurisdiction: tailored activities

22-23 April 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

Two events dedicated to personal data protection in constitutional jurisdiction, were organised on 22 and 23 April 2024 in Kyiv, Ukraine in the framework of the EU/Council of Europe Partnership for Good Governance. The Round table held on 22 April focused on personal data protection in the case...

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Promoting equality and inclusion with Young European Ambassadors in Ukraine

22 April 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

Four Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) met online with the Deputy Head of the Council of Europe Office in Ukraine. The discussion focused on ongoing activities organised the Council of Europe and exploring opportunities for further co-operation in combating discrimination and hate speech in...

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Preliminary examination of individual constitutional complaints: working group discussion

19 April 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 19 April 2024, a working group brought together staff of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to discuss the content and scope of the preliminary examination of applications to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (filtration of the constitutional individual complaints) in...

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Advancing regional co-operation to bring forward equality reforms for the protection of LGBTI community


A regional peer exchange on tackling equality reforms and focusing on the protection of LGBTI persons, took place in Podgorica, Montenegro. Following the regional LGBTI conference on “Addressing the rising anti-gender movement” organised in Pristina“ in November 2023, the two-day event organised...

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Staff of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine trained on key elements of jurisdiction and interpretation of human rights

21 February 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 21 February 2024, the Council of Europe held a workshop for the staff of the Secretariat and the Patronage Services of Judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on the key elements of jurisdiction and interpretation of human rights by the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of...

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First Technical Project Committee Meeting of the PGG Project “Support to development of the constitutional justice in Ukraine”

19 February 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

The project “Support to development of the constitutional justice in Ukraine” held its first technical project committee meeting on 19 February 2024 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Representatives of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the Council of Europe participated in the discussion. The meeting...

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New national studies on women's access to justice in the Eastern Partnership countries available

19 February 2024 Strasbourg, France

Policy-makers, judges, prosecutors, legal professionals, as well as representatives of academia and civil society can now benefit from updated national studies “Barriers, remedies and good practices on women’s access to justice” for Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine. The...

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Ombudsperson staff in Ukraine trained on European anti-discrimination and hate speech standards

25 January 2024 Ukraine

The staff of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ombudsperson) was trained on European anti-discrimination and hate speech standards through two online sessions held on 14 December 2023 and 25 January 2024. These activities were tailored to respond to the mandate of the...

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Young European Ambassadors sending a loud and clear message from Budapest: Say NO to hatred!

17-19 January 2023 Budapest, Hungary

More than 50 Young European Ambassadors (YEAs) got introduced to methods on how to effectively address hate speech and discrimination. This will enable the YEAs to make a difference in their communities through the promotion of equality and diversity, ultimately contributing to combating hate...

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Ukraine Police exchanges with peers on the role of law enforcement in preventing discrimination and promoting diversity

7 December 2023 Kyiv, Ukraine

A peer-to-peer workshop between the Portuguese and Ukrainian police was, organised on 7 December 2023, provided a platform for exchange of experiences on the prevention of discrimination and promotion of diversity in the remit of law enforcement work. At the opening, Erlend Falck, Deputy Head of...

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Creation of a law enforcement institutions and Civil Society Organisations network to tackle racism and discrimination

24-26 October 2023 Strasbourg, France

A network comprised of law enforcement institutions and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) from the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership regions was launched on 24 October. The creation of this network aims to improve the response of law enforcement institutions to hatred and discrimination,...

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Combating discrimination and hate speech as law enforcement: a training for the National Police of Ukraine

4-5 October 2023 Kyiv, Ukraine

According to the Committee of Ministers: "member States should make available effective and targeted training programmes for all those involved in preventing and combating hate speech, including the members and staff of law-enforcement services, security forces, prosecution services, the...

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Building a common understanding of the hate speech phenomenon and data collection in Ukraine

22 September 2023 Ukraine

An online round table, first from a series of events planned, brought together more than 40 representatives of state institutions, civil society organisations and networks in Ukraine. The participants discussed challenges in defining hate speech, possible actors that should be involved with the...

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Young European Ambassadors in the forefront of the fight against hate speech

31 August 2023 Online

The new generation of the Young European Ambassadors continues to play a fundamental role in the fight against hate speech in the Western Balkan and the Eastern Partnership regions. In a series of online workshops, more than 50 Young Eurоpean Ambassadors completed the training programme on...

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