#JusticeForAll awareness raising campaign on improving the access to justice in Georgia
Accessible justice must be free of visible and invisible barriers: sensitive and disability-friendly environment, accessible buildings, interpretation and convenient location always and for all.
Because every citizen, regardless of gender, ethnicity, race, identity, age, social condition or physical ability, has the right to a fair access to justice, the online campaign #JusticeForAll highlights and helps counter the existing problems, within the framework of the project “Enhancing the Accountability and the Efficiency of the Judicial System and the Professionalism of Lawyers in Georgia”
The campaign aims at raising awareness of the existing issues faced by different groups in accessing justice through:
- Real stories of people with disabilities, representatives of minority groups, women and children overcoming barriers to access to justice.
- A platform to those whose voices are rarely considered and often forgotten.
Access to justice is a fundamental prerequisite for the protection of basic human rights by citizens.