Inclusive School Net

School name: Sergije Stanic

Learn more about this school project

School type: VET school

Address : Kralja Nikole 114, Podgorica Montenegro

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team
  • Zorica Milickovic,pedagogue
  • Saša Kovacevic, class teacher
  • Edina Mandic,French teacher
  • Bahta Kocan,class teacher
  • Suzana Kovacevic ,psychologist
Teacher Team
  • Dražan Radovanović
  • Marina Đuričković
  • Katarina Todorović
  • Leposava Furtula
  • Biljana Đurišić

Number of pupils: 1260

Number of male students: 626

Number of female students: 634

Male/female student ratio: m50%/f50%

Diversity – Inclusion issues

There are 5 students that have been enrolled in the school through the decision of the Commission for Orientation of Children with Special Educational Needs. They are working through application of individualized educational plans (creation of ILP – Individual Learning Plan, extra-curricular classes, and psychological/pedagogical support from the school). The teaching staff's respect of the principles of human rights can be seen in their friendly, but also professional attitude towards students, and not only the ones with the special educational needs, but also to all the children, no matter their national, religious or social background.

Level of inclusive practices/experience

For every student who was enrolled by the decision from the Commission for Orientation of Children with Special Educational Needs, there is special reporting system, ILP, and their development has been evaluated through the Class councils. Psychological/pedagogical school service cooperates with parents, teachers and Commission for Orientation of Children with Special Educational Needs, and other relevant institutions. School has moderate space, but very motivated staff and is open and eager for further learning and training in the inclusive education.