Inclusive School Net

School name: Bedri Gjinaj

Learn more about this school project

School type: Elementary school

Address: Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, Kosovo*

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team:
  • Shaha Salihu - Principal
  • Fllanza Nishliu - PhysEd Teacher
  • Faruk Avdiu - History teacher
  • Besmir Salihu - Parents' council
  • Feriz Kadriu - NGO representative
Teacher Team
  • Qazim Nimani
  • Zuhra Kan
  • Mimoza Aliu
  • Myrvete Hasani
  • Valbone Abrashi

Number of pupils: 600

Number of male students: 330

Number of female students: 270

Male/female student ratio: m 55 % / f 45 % 

Diversity – Inclusion issues

Children come from different cultural and ethnic diversities. The diversity of the pupils is composed of: Albanian, Bosnian, Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians. Another issue is economic challenges of families.

Level of inclusive practices/experience

In the work plan of the school it is foreseen to include the inclusiveness in the learning process resulting from the composition and the diversity that exists in the school, by including necessary practices.

The school provides special parallel classes for Bosnian pupils in Bosnian language, the involvement of Roma Ashkali Egyptian (RAE) community in Albanian classes and accommodation of disabled pupils in the classroom. In the pedagogical staff of the school there are some ethnic Bosnians teachers.  These practices have so far shown to be very effective in long-term plan of increasing the learning capacities and teaching.

* This designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo Declaration of Independence.