Inclusive School Net

School name: Ivan Goran Kovačić

Learn more about this school project

School type: Mixed VET and Secondary school

Address : Branka Ćopića 4, Herceg Novi, Montenegro

Contacts (phone, fax, email)
School Team
  • Momir Dragićević-Principal
  • Tanja Relić-psycologist
  • Ljubomir Ljubisavljević-mother tongue teacher
  • Jelena Borović-Italian teacher
  • Slavica Žorić- School Board member
Teacher Team
  • Ljubomir Ljubisavljević
  • Danijela Gudeljević
  • Milenko Živković
  • Slavica Žorić
  • Ksandra Popović

Number of pupils: 1100

Number of male students: 499

Number of female students: 601

Male/female student ratio: m45%/f55%

Diversity – Inclusion issues

There is social, cultural and economical diversity among the school students, there are students from the orphanage, members of marginalized groups involved in the process, single parent families, foster families, children of displaced persons, etc. There are also confessional differences (presence of students of different religious faiths, communities and groups). There is also a group of students with special educational needs.

Level of inclusive practices/experience

School seems to have moderate experience with the inclusive education, but does have trained staff and adequate and accessible premises, as well as the plan to make the whole school "disability-friendly". There is good cooperation and relationships with the community and municipal Commission responsible for children with special education needs.