The European Commission (EC) and Council of Europe (CoE) Joint Project “Inclusive Schools: Making a Difference for Roma Children (INSCHOOL)” aims at supporting the design and implementation of national inclusive education policies in the Czech Republic, Romania and the Slovak Republic and promoting inclusive education policy solutions in Bulgaria, Hungary and Portugal, in line with European standards and principles for quality inclusive education, thus enabling improvements in the access, participation and performance of Roma and children at risk of marginalisation and exclusion in pre-school and compulsory education.
The Project aims at achieving its expected results through advising national education authorities, coordination policy structures and operational programmes that can be put in line with European standards and practices on Quality Inclusive Education (QIE); designing and proposing national level evidence-based solutions for inclusive education policies and practices, including for reducing and preventing further segregation of children in educational settings; providing capacity building to national education institutions, EU funds managing authorities and civil society on inclusive education; raising awareness of the general public about the meaning and benefits of inclusive education which will enhance social cohesion as a whole.
The Council of Europe is looking for a maximum of 144 Providers (provided enough tenders meet the criteria indicated below) in order to support the implementation of the project with a particular expertise on inclusive education practices and policies, with a focus on Roma children.
The present tendering procedure aims to select Providers to support the implementation of the project and is divided into the following lots:
Lot 1-6: Educational Advisors (up to 5 per country)
Lot 7-12: Trainers (up to 8 per country)
Lot 13-18: Education Policy Experts (up to 6 per country)
Lot 19: Thematic Experts on Quality Inclusive Education and Roma Inclusion (up to 15 in total)
Lot 20: Research and Data Collection Experts (up to 15 in total)
More information about this call can be found in the tender file, together with information about how to apply. Applicants will also find below the act of engagement which needs to be submitted together with other documents indicated in the tender file. |
The deadline for submission of the offers passes on 15 February 2022.