icon step 2Now we need to analyse the hate speech - is it really hate speech and what is at its core? 

  • Is the speech dehumanising

  • Does it target someone for being part of a particular group

  • Does the speech include elements that promote prejudice and intolerance?

  • Check out the reliability and accuracy of any "facts" used in the hate speech, for example, historical, cultural, religious or (apparently) scientific

  • And, if you are still unsure, ask for a second opinion


When you come across a message that provokes emotional reactions, it is important recognise it and then look at it analytically. What are the hate message objectives, the core message but also try to see the underlying contexts and reasons for its existence. This analysis will help not only to react to surface manifestation and the effects of the hate message, but it allows you to go down to the reasons and try to tackle the roots of the problem.

It is important to
look at the hate
message analytically

After this analysis, you can decide what is the best approach, counter or react to the effects, stop it, and demystify it, but you could go further and provide an alternative approach to the problem as well. In order to make a conscious decision, the analysis of the hate message is an important step to take.

Questions for reflection

  • What is in the core of this message, what does it “really” say? What meanings and associations do they provoke?
  • What image is presented of the people or groups discussed in the message? What are stereotypes, labels and terms used in the message?
  • Who is the audience of the message?
  • What emotions and actions it intends to evoke in the audience?
  • What is presented as “facts”? Are the “facts” accurate and from reliable sources?
  • What is the current reality, context, beliefs which are feeding these narratives?
  • How does this narrative affect you and others’ lives?
  • How and which human rights are concerned in this message and which ones are being violated?

 Read more

The "WE CAN! Taking action against hate speech through counter and alternative narratives" manual provides a step-by-step guide to conduct a thorough analysis of hate speech narratives:

  • Chapter 7.1 Phase one: assess the oppressive narrative, p. 117-128

To understand more about hate speech, also look at: