Step-by-step guide to human rights based narratives
In this guided message builder tool, you can find step-by-step explanations on how to develop human rights-based counter and alternative narratives to hate speech. It presents sets of reflection questions, helping you to analyse, conclude, formulate and reformulate your messages and think about what you want to convey. At the end of the tool you can also find hints and ideas on what a message could include to make it as rights-based, as possible.
The presented tool helps anyone who wants to train in developing human rights-based (HRB) messages by
- going through a set of reflective questions,
- getting tips on things to keep in mind when choosing messages,
- looking at various types of messages, pros and cons of choosing each of
- looking at ideas on how to counter or propose an alternative to concrete examples of hate speech messages.
- understanding how this process can promote human rights, diversity and equality
The tool consists of 5 steps that start with reflection on personal reactions and emotions and builds up to a human rights-based message. Each step provides an explanation of how to work through them and a set of reflective questions. There is also one example worked out in each step to help orient the user.
We encourage you to take your time and go through the exercises answering the questions and reflecting on all the aspects they touch on, but it is not essential to answer every single question.