
Map of proposed Emerald sites by February 2014

Strasbourg, France October 2014

In February 2014, the proposed Emerald Network in the seven project target countries from Central and Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus covered approximately 40 000 km2. Therefore, up to date the Network represents around 9.2% of the total country territories of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and the European part of the Russian Federation. This map illustrates the 1154 proposed Emerald sites, some of which have already been officially nominated as candidate Emerald sites by the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention. As such, the candidate Emerald sites fall within the protection of Recommendation No. 157 (2011) of the Standing Committee to the Bern Convention.

This map will be updated again in the beginning of 2015, as countries continue their work on the identification of additional Emerald sites on their territories.



Iva Obretenova, Project Manager
Tel.: +33 390 21 58 81

Tania Braulio, Project Assistant
Tel.: +33 388 41 23 02

Marc Roekaerts, Independent expert to the project