January – March
Inception phase: Quality check of the ecological and technical data delivered in 2011/12 for each site for all target countries
Signature of the Administrative Arrangements for 2013 with all target countries in January 2013.
Project kick-off meeting (Kiev, 24-26 April 20013)
Discussion on the project objectives and the results of the data quality checks; discussion on ways for identifying additional possible Emerald sites in the target countries; exchange of ideas on Emerald management plans and reporting obligations; dialogue on conservation standards for future Emerald sites, in particular the ones which straddle borders
National Emerald Seminars:
- 25 April - Ukraine More
- 13-14 May - Republic of Moldova More
- 22-23 May - Belarus More
- 5-6 June - Azerbaijan More
- 11-12 June - Georgia More
- 25-26 June - Armenia More
1st Steering Committee, Strasbourg (France), 18 October 2013
Discussion on the project planning, achievements in the frame of the Administrative Arrangements signed with the target countries for 2013, financial and narrative reporting under the Administrative Arrangements for 2013
28/02/2015: Delivery of revised databases, based on the follow-up work during 2014 focussing on preparing the databases for the biogeographical seminars of 2015
28/02/2015: Submission of individual QA/QC reports on the completeness of the national Emerald databases in view of their evaluation (for countries submitting a new database)
January/February 2015: Signature of the Administrative Arrangements for 2015 with all target countries. AAs to facilitate action from national Emerald teams and authorities in a follow-up to the preparatory biogeographical seminars:
- (1) filling the gaps of sufficiency in the identification of potential sites;
- (2) correcting inconsistencies in databases;
- (3) transfer of data from old to new SDF/semi-automatical using the new Software;
- (4) revision of database according to new Annex 1 of Res. 4 (if adopted)
Finalisation of specific guidelines on Emerald sites' management and reporting for Central and Eastern European countries and South Caucasus; submission to the Group of Experts on Ecological Networks & Standing Committee to the Bern Convention.
- Biogeographical evaluation Seminar for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (27-29 May, Tbilisi, Georgia)
July- September
- Biogeographical evaluation Seminar for the Arctic and Boreal biogeographical regions (28-30 September, Petrozavodsk, Russian Federation)
- Biogeographical Seminar for bird species for Belarus, Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine (24-25 November, Minsk, Belarus)
January - February
Signature of the Administrative Arrangements for 2013 with all target countries in January 2013.
March - June
- National Emerald Seminar, Republic of Moldova: 7-8 April
- National Emerald Seminar, Georgia: 24-25 April
- National Emerald Seminar, Azerbaijan: 28-29 April
- National Emerald Seminar, Russian Federation: 13-15 May
- National Emerald Seminar, Ukraine: 19 May (webconference)
- National Emerald Seminar, Armenia: 5-6 June
- National Emerald Seminar, Belarus: 5 June
July - December
- Preparatory Emerald Biogeographical Seminar for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia: Tbilisi, 23-24 October
- Preparatory Emerald Biogeographical Seminar for Belarus, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation and Ukraine: Chisinau, 06-07 November
- 2nd project Steering Committee meeting: Strasbourg, 01 December
January - March
- 3rd Steering Committee meeting (14 January, Strasbourg, France)
Signature of the Administrative Arrangements for 2016 with all target countries, January 2016
April - June
- Seminar for all habitats and species (except birds) for Belarus, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine (11-13 May, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova)
July - September
- Seminar for all habitats and species (except birds) for the Steppic region (the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine), the Alpine Caucasus (the Russian Federation), the Marine Black Sea (Ukraine, the Russian Federation) and the Marine Caspian Sea (6-8 September, Kyiv, Ukraine)
October - December
Final project event (4-5 October, Minsk, Belarus) for dissemination/awareness raising on project results and discussion of work ahead at national level on the designation of Emerald sites
- Seminar for bird species for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (1-2 December, Tbilisi, Georgia)
Latest news
- Biogeographical Seminar for bird species
- Emerald biogeographical Seminar for bird species for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia
- Emerald video in 6 languages
- Emerald Network Biogeographical Seminar for all habitats and species (except birds) for the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine