About the Project

Co-operation in the field of higher education and between higher education institutions is one of the hallmarks of European Integration – both within the European Union and the Council of Europe. This project assists Bosnia and Herzegovina to achieve one of the aspects of its strategic development plan for education 2008-2015: full accession to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The goal is to enable BiH higher education, its institutions, graduates, academics and students to benefit fully from European opportunities and to play its full role for development in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH).

The project supports the competent and responsible authorities in BiH around two core areas:

  1. The definition of priorities for the development of the higher education sector in BiH, which will be conducted based on the analysis of the situation of higher education and research in BiH. More

  2. The development of qualifications standards in five different subject fields/disciplines and occupational standard for two field/discipline. More

  3. The development of Guidelines for further development and use of qualifications standards in Bosnia and Herzegovina. More

  4. Capacity building for further development and use of Qualification standards and Occupational standards in Bosnia and Herzegovina. More

The project helps strengthen expertise and capacities within the country and builds on a series of previous joint projects of the European Commission and the Council of Europe supporting higher education reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina since it joined the Bologna Process in 2003.

The two year project was launched in early 2013 at the request of the BiH authorities and is co-financed by the EC’s Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA 2011) and the Council of Europe.

It is run out of the Council of Europe’s Sarajevo office, with support and expertise of the Council of Europe’s Directorate of Democracy (DGII) and its international expert network.

Strategic Development of Higher Education and qualifications standards in Bosnia and Herzegovina
