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Bologna Process - Key documents

Magna Charta Universitatum (1988)

Convention on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher education in the European region (1997)

Sorbonne Joint Declaration - Joint declaration on harmonisation of the architecture of the European higher education system (1998)

The Bologna Declaration of 19 June 1999 - Joint declaration of the European Ministers of Education

“Towards the European Higher Education Area” Communiqué of the meeting of European Ministers in charge of Higher Education Prague, 19th May 2001

Convention of European Higher Education Institutions - (Salamanca, 29-30 March 2001) Shaping the European Higher Education Area

“Realising the European Higher Education Area” Communiqué of the Conference of Ministers responsible for Higher Education Berlin, 19th September 2003

“The European Higher Education Area - Achieving the Goals”. Communiqué of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education Bergen, 19-20 May 2005

Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (2005)

A Framework for Qualifications  of the European Higher Education Area (2005)

The framework of qualifications for the European Higher Education Area (2005)

London Communiqué – “Towards the European Higher Education Area: responding to challenges in a globalised world” (2007)

"The Bologna Process 2020 - The European Higher Education Area in the new decade” - Communiqué of the Conference of European Ministers Responsible for Higher Education, Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, 28-29 April 2009

Bologna Policy Forum Statement - Vienna, March 12, 2010

Budapest-Vienna Declaration on the European Higher Education Area. March 12, 2010

Strategic Development of Higher Education and qualifications standards in Bosnia and Herzegovina