Expert seminar related to the mapping of barriers to social inclusion for young people in vulnerable situations

The expert seminar gathered representatives of research, policy and practice. It aimed at sharing the provisional findings of the above mentioned mapping and at complementing the first results with knowledge from policy and practice (youth work practice and relevant experiences from social services and NGOs). The draft documents from our selected experts have been consolidated after the seminar, considering its conclusions and recommendations. Debates at the seminar will be translated into recommendations for youth policy and youth work to be integrated in the mapping of barriers report which will be presented at the follow up event, the forthcoming Malta conference on the role of youth work in supporting young people in vulnerable situations.

Summary report


Strasbourg, European Youth Center 30 September - 02 October 2014
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Youth in Europe: How the EU - Council of Europe youth partnership helps vulnerable young Europeans

In this podcast Ms Karin Lopatta-Loibl,  the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education and Culture Youth Policy Officer, discusses the barriers to social exclusion which confront young people in vulnerable situations.

“We want to empower young people and bring out their potential,” says Karin Lopatta-Loibl, in this podcast interview.

“We want to see what they need to be autonomous and to live a self-defined autonomous life.” The potential of Europe’s young people is “huge,” Lopatta-Loibl says and adds that “we cannot afford losing any of them along the way.

“Money should not be the key issue. It’s important to create a link and a relationship of trust to show them where their potential lies.”

Karin Lopatta-Loibl took part in a Strasbourg expert meeting on ‘Mapping of barriers to social inclusion for young people in vulnerable situations,’ earlier this month, ahead of November’s high profile youth policy conference in Malta.

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