INSCHOOL Publications

Mapping Study on School Segregation of Roma Communities: Trends and Pathways Towards Educational Inclusion

The study starts with elaboration of the consequences of school segregation and provides an overview of historical landscape of the issue in Europe, including the current trends, making evident the lack of progress in Europe in the recent years. Next, legal analysis takes stock of the relevant international standards related to non-discrimination and segregation in education, including the relevant European Court of Human Rights and selected national courts jurisprudence, as well as the European Union framework. The chapter points to positive obligations of States and public authorities while presenting lessons learned and difficulties of regulating segregation. The study follows with the analysis of the types of segregation and provides tools on detection by school inspections, national human rights institutions, and equality bodies. Difficulties of identifying ethnic Roma students and tools based on self-identification, third party identification and the use of proxies are presented, while making the reader cautious about the risks associated with different types of data collection and providing a selection of commendable practices in organising and conducting investigations into segregation. The study also looks at the array of policies that governments can leverage to combat school segregation, while recognising the multifaceted nature of this challenge and the need for tailored strategies to address the issue effectively, including through compensatory policies. Finally, the study offers comprehensive protocol for Roma school desegregation, designed to guide policy makers at all levels. It places focus on showcasing promising practices and relevant literatures available for policy makers to support effective policy making on desegregation.

  You can access the Study here


Feasibility Study on a School Desegregation Intervention in the Slovak Republic (2024)

The Busing Study, commissioned by the European Union and Council of Europe Project INSCHOOL, gathers information on localities/cases where busing is an appropriate desegregation tool and has the potential of improving the educational conditions of Roma children and their inclusion. It provides specification of cases, where busing is relevant for Roma pupils in specific localities. These are mostly ethnically homogenous primary schools attended by children from Roma communities where transfer to other schools can offer an improvement in the quality of the educational process as well as intercultural encounter.


 You can access the Study here

Other publications



Young Roma speak about multiple discrimination (2014)

Barabaripen includes life stories of nine young Roma affected by multiple discrimination across Europe and an analysis of the mechanisms of discrimination and the strategies that young people use in order to tackle it. Barabaripen is also an awareness-raising and educational tool; it includes proposals for educational activities with young people using the life stories and background materials.


 English version


A manual for combating hate speech online through human rights education (2016)

Bookmarks is published to support the No Hate Speech Movement youth campaign of the Council of Europe for human rights online. It is useful for educators wanting to address hate speech online, both inside and outside the formal education system, as it gathers activities designed for young people aged 13 to 18; however, they are adaptable to other age ranges.

 English version

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Taking action against Hate Speech through Counter and Alternative Narratives

This manual presents communicative and educational approaches and tools for youth and other human rights activists to develop their own counter and alternative narratives to hate speech.

It is designed for working with young people from the age of 13. Based on the principles of human rights education and youth participation, We CAN! complements the manual Bookmarks.


 English         French

 Read more on the Campaign website


A manual on Human Rights Education with Young People (2015)

COMPASS provides youth leaders, teachers, and facilitators of human rights education activities, whether professionals or volunteers, with concrete ideas and practical activities to engage, involve and motivate young people in living, learning and acting for human rights. It promotes a comprehensive perspective on human rights education and sees young people as actors for a culture of universal human rights.



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Manual on human rights education for children (2008)

Compasito is a starting point for educators, teachers and trainers who are ready to deal with human rights education with children of 7-13 years. The book familiarises the reader with the key concepts of human rights and children's rights and provides substantial theoretical background to 13 key human rights issues, such as democracy, citizenship, gender equality, environment, media, poverty, and violence.



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Manual on combating antigypsyism through human rights education (2015)

This manual was produced within the Roma Youth Action Plan of the Council of Europe to provide teachers, trainers and facilitators of non-formal education processes with essential information and methodological tools to address antigypsyism with young people of all ages and in any social-cultural setting. It is equally suitable for work with groups of non-Roma, Roma only, or mixed groups. 






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Manual for facilitators in non-formal education (2009)


The manual provides essential information and practical tips for all who are involved in planning and delivering non-formal education intercultural activities on an occasional basis. This manual is part of the endeavour of the Council of Europe's youth sector to support and develop the quality of non-formal education activities across Europe and, in doing so, contribute to further their recognition.





Guide for the development and implementation of curricula for plurilingual and intercultural education (2016)

This Guide is intended to facilitate improved implementation of the values and principles of plurilingual
and intercultural education in the teaching of all languages – foreign, regional or minority, classical, and
language(s) of schooling.



 Resource sheet

Gender Matters

A manual on addressing gender-based violence affecting young people


This manual constitutes a useful introduction to gender and gender-based violence for people who work with young people, by providing reflections on gender and gender-based violence, a background to key social, political and legal issues. It provides practical methods and resources for education and awareness-raising activities with young people.





Open your mind - go beyond prejudice!

In cooperation with the Children’s Rights Division, the Roma and Travellers Team of the Council of Europe reached out to children to develop child-friendly material through a child consultation process, as part of the Dosta! Campaign “Enough! Go beyond prejudice – meet the Roma”, which aims to raise awareness of prejudices and stereotypes and break them down, bringing non-Roma and Roma closer. More information  can be found on  The Dosta! campaign 2006-2019 website.