Назад INSCHOOL 2nd Training of Facilitators and Educational Advisors

During 2 and a half days, INSCHOOL Teams from 5 countries of implementation discussed results of the pilot phase and planned the second cycle of the project.

During 2 and a half days, INSCHOOL Teams from 5 countries of implementation discussed results of the pilot phase and planned the second cycle of the project.

Ahead of the launch of the second cycle of the joint EU/Council of Europe project: Inclusive Schools: Making a Difference for Roma Children (INSCHOOL), teams form all project countries joined a training of Facilitators and Educational Advisors between 12 -14 November 2019. The main aim of the training was to take stock of the pilot phase conducted in five countries between September 2017 and July 2019 and prepare for the second cycle scheduled between October 2019 and January 2021.

During the two and a half days of the meeting, INSCHOOL teams from the five countries of implementation (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Slovak Republic) exchanged views on inclusion as well as on the use of the "Index for Inclusion: A Guide to School Development Led by Inclusive Values" as the main project methodology, debated tackling racism in schools, analysed how to link policies and practices, and prepared the next steps in INSCHOOL 2. The Council of Europe's "Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture" was also introduced to participants during the first day of the meeting.

Sessions were led by several INSCHOOL Educational Advisors - Andrea Gruber (HU), Gelu Duminica (RO), Calin Rus (RO), Lisa Rose (UK), by Ondrej Olah - Ambassador for Inclusive Schools, as well as by Tony Booth, author of the "Index for Inclusion".

"There is no way to inclusion. Inclusion is the way".

More photos of the event here.

Strasbourg 12-14 November 2019
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