January - March
- 3rd Steering Committee meeting (14 January, Strasbourg, France)
Signature of the Administrative Arrangements for 2016 with all target countries, January 2016
April - June
- Seminar for all habitats and species (except birds) for Belarus, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine (11-13 May, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova)
July - September
- Seminar for all habitats and species (except birds) for the Steppic region (the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine), the Alpine Caucasus (the Russian Federation), the Marine Black Sea (Ukraine, the Russian Federation) and the Marine Caspian Sea (6-8 September, Kyiv, Ukraine)
October - December
Final project event (4-5 October, Minsk, Belarus) for dissemination/awareness raising on project results and discussion of work ahead at national level on the designation of Emerald sites
- Seminar for bird species for Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (1-2 December, Tbilisi, Georgia)