About the project
- Fostering quality education in Kosovo and improving access to education for children from disadvantaged groups including Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children and children with special education needs. The project will support the implementation of existing Beneficiary’s legislation and Council of Europe policy and standards relating to education and anti-discrimination measures.
Expected Results/Outcomes
- The capacity of the Kosovo education system to improve the participation of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children in pre-primary, primary and secondary education has been strengthened.
- The capacity of the Kosovo education system to improve the participation of and support services for children with special education needs in pre-primary, primary and secondary education has been reinforced.
- A mapping study to gather and analyze relevant reports, interventions and achievements, and assess results of previously implemented projects regarding the situation of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian children and review teachers’ attitudes and practices on inclusive education.
- Support to selected municipalities (Municipal Offices for Communities and Return and education department): capacity-building activities to reduce the existing enrolment barriers
- Support operation of Learning Centres: the Learning Centres will benefit from tailored support including upgrading their teaching programmes, harmonizing activities, and developing a harmonized data gathering system.
- Capacity-building for teachers in Resources Centres and teachers in mainstream schools: trainings to strengthen teachers’ capacity to provide quality support services to children with special education needs. In addition, a specific training programme will be developed for assistants for children with special education needs.
Awareness raising activities
- A TV spot will be produced targeting teachers and parents of children with special education needs and Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities.
- The Official Day of Diversity and Inclusion (26 April) will be promoted to raise awareness on the benefits of inclusive education approaches.
- High-Level Conference on inclusive education: a one-day conference on the current state of affairs of inclusive education in Kosovo will be organized in 2022. The conference will provide a platform for discussions that would feed the project’s outcomes. International best practices will be shared.