Topic Judicial reforms

Improving the functioning of the electronic document management system of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine

30 August 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 30 August 2024 the Working Group on the functioning of the electronic document management system of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine brought together over 50 staff members of the Court to discuss ways of improving the electronic document management system. Discussions focused on the issues...

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Monitoring the implementation of acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine

28-29 August 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 28-29 August 2024 the Working Group for monitoring the implementation of acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine gathered in Kyiv some 40 staff members of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to address the issues relating to the implementation of the acts of the Constitutional Court of...

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Methodology for preparation of draft acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine improved

11-12 July 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 11-12 July 2024, a working group brought together the staff of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to discuss the methodology for the preparation of draft acts of the Constitutional Court based on the European standards and best practices. Held in the framework of the EU/Council of Europe...

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Strengthening Ukrainian Constitutional Justice for EU Integration

28 June 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

The challenges of Ukraine’s European integration process through the prism of the country’s Constitution were the focus of an international conference organised by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. Over 180 participants from Ukraine and abroad participated to the conference and explored...

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Supporting the reduction of backlog in Georgian courts through workshops on dedicated CEPEJ tool

16-17 May 2024 Batumi, Georgia

The court coaching programme of European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) continued from 16 to 17 May 2024, representatives from the Batumi City court attended a two-day workshop on the CEPEJ Backlog reduction tool. The workshop aimed to introduce the court representatives to the...

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A round-table on the right to file a constitutional individual complaint with the Latvian and Ukrainian Constitutional Courts

9-10 May 2024 Krakow, Poland

A two-day round-table discussion to exchange on experiences and best practices on the right to file a constitutional individual complain was held on 9 and10 May, with the participation of the Constitutional Courts of Ukraine and the Republic of Latvia. The aim is to contribute to the development...

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High-level conference on strengthening the effectiveness of international co-operation in fighting transnational organised crime

26-27 April 2024 Yerevan, Armenia

The two-day international conference “Strengthening the effectiveness of international co-operation in fighting transnational organised crime”, served as a platform and an opportunity to share challenges prosecutors face in specific, complex cases, including those addressing the confiscation of...

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Personal data protection in constitutional jurisdiction: tailored activities

22-23 April 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

Two events dedicated to personal data protection in constitutional jurisdiction, were organised on 22 and 23 April 2024 in Kyiv, Ukraine in the framework of the EU/Council of Europe Partnership for Good Governance. The Round table held on 22 April focused on personal data protection in the case...

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Preliminary examination of individual constitutional complaints: working group discussion

19 April 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 19 April 2024, a working group brought together staff of the Secretariat of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine to discuss the content and scope of the preliminary examination of applications to the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (filtration of the constitutional individual complaints) in...

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Staff of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine trained on key elements of jurisdiction and interpretation of human rights

21 February 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 21 February 2024, the Council of Europe held a workshop for the staff of the Secretariat and the Patronage Services of Judges of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on the key elements of jurisdiction and interpretation of human rights by the European Court of Human Rights and the Court of...

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First Technical Project Committee Meeting of the PGG Project “Support to development of the constitutional justice in Ukraine”

19 February 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

The project “Support to development of the constitutional justice in Ukraine” held its first technical project committee meeting on 19 February 2024 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Representatives of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the Council of Europe participated in the discussion. The meeting...

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The Council of Europe and the European Union support the introduction of a continuous legal education system for prosecutors in Georgia

23 February 2024 Georgia, Tbilisi

On February 23, 2024, the Council of Europe completed a series of capacity development activities for the General Prosecutor’s Office of Georgia to advance its internal training competences. As a result of the four rounds of training, 32 prosecutors gained knowledge about the basic principles,...

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Annual Court Managers' Forum organised in Georgia

16-17 December 2023 Telavi, Georgia

The eighth annual Court Managers’ Forum was organised on 16-17 December, aiming at equipping court managers with practical and organisational skills, resulting to a more efficient court system in Georgia. The event was attended by 24 court managers from all the regions, and it serves as a...

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Judges and prosecutors in Armenia discussed various dimensions of criminal proceedings in absentia and confiscation of property of illicit origin

7-9 December 2023 Yerevan, Armenia

A series of discussions addressing crucial legal aspects related to criminal proceedings in absentia and the confiscation of property of illicit origin were held under the joint European Union and Council of Europe project “Support to the Justice Reform in Armenia”. In total, 90 specialists from...

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Mediation training programme advances skilled mediators in Armenia

17-24 November 2023 Yerevan, Armenia

The creation of a pool of highly skilled mediators is the aim of the mediation training programme organised for twenty prospective mediators. This is an initiative between the Council of Europe the Ministry of Justice in Armenia and the Arbitration and Mediation Centre of Armenia (AMCA). The...

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Enhancing Judicial Data Management in Georgia: training and preparation of a methodology for statisticians

17-19 November 2023 Georgia

The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) organised a training session for court statisticians involved in data collection in Georgian courts. This training was an occasion to present all the issues involved in data collection: ways to harmonise, systematise and check the...

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Second visit of CEPEJ experts to pilot courts within the court coaching programme in Georgia

25-28 September 2023 Georgia

The court coaching programme of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) continues with the second visit to the Supreme Court of Georgia and the Rustavi Municipal Court, as well as with the first visit to two other pilot courts: the Zugdidi District Court and the Batumi...

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High-Level Conference on Prosecutorial Independence and Accountability Held in Yerevan

2 July 2023 Yerevan

The Council of Europe in collaboration with the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Armenia organised a two-day high-level conference "Prosecutorial Independence in Upholding the Rule of Law". The aim of the conference was to facilitate a cohesive dialogue among main actors in the...

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Round Table Discussion Explores Strategic Directions for Judicial and Legal Reforms in Armenia

2-3 June 2023 Armenia

A round table discussion that explored strategic directions of the Judicial and Legal Reforms in Armenia and the essential role of civil society organisations (CSOs) in driving the reform process, was held on 2-3 June. The round table's primary objective was to foster a more active involvement of...

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JUSTAT AIS a tool that will help Moldovan authorities to improve efficiency and transparency of courts

26 May 2023 Chisinau

The launching of the JUSTAT Automated Information System (AIS) took place on 26 May 2023 in a public event to present this new tool, with the participation of the representatives of the national authorities, partners in charge of developing the tool, and the CEPEJ experts, Rado Brezovar...

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Court coaching programme in pilot courts in Georgia launched

23-25 May 2023 Georgia

The court coaching programme of European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ), organised in the framework of the project “Support to the modernisation of court management in Georgia”, will begin with the experts visit from 23 to 25 May 2023 to two pilot courts: the Supreme Court of...

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Public discussions held under the framework of judicial reforms

18-28 April 2023 Armenia

Under the framework of ongoing judicial reforms, a series of public discussions related to the legislative amendments in respect to civil procedure, administrative procedure and criminal procedure legislations was organised by the joint EU/Council of Europe project “Support to the Justice Reform...

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Taking stock of cooperation with the Police in the Republic of Moldova in the field of anti-discrimination

3 April 2023 Chisinau

Throughout the last four years, the General Police Inspectorate of the Republic of Moldova has been close partner of the joint European Union and the Council of Europe (CoE) project “Strengthening access to justice through non-judicial redress mechanisms for victims of discrimination, hate crime...

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Regional Project on Lawyers Concludes with the final Technical Committee meeting in Strasbourg

27 February 2023 Strasbourg

The Joint European Union and the Council of Europe regional project on strengthening the profession of lawyer in line with European standards in the Eastern Partnership countries held its final event on 27 February 2023 both remotely and in person in Strasbourg, France. The event which gathered...

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Closing event of the CEPEJ cooperation project in Azerbaijan

21 February 2023 Baku

The closing event of the CEPEJ Project “Strengthening the efficiency and quality of the judicial system in Azerbaijan” implemented under the joint EU/CoE Partnership for Good Governance II programme (PGGII) took place on 21 February 2023. On this occasion, the representatives of the Ministry of...

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Council of Europe concludes the four-year PGGII project on implementation of judicial reforms in Armenia

21 February 2023 Yerevan

The final conference organised in Yerevan on February 21, marked the official completion of the Project "Implementation of the Judicial reforms in Armenia", implemented by the Council of Europe within the joint European Union and Council of Europe Partnership for Good Governance Programme...

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Trainings in Azerbaijan on court performance reporting according to CEPEJ tools and methodology

10 February 2023 Baku

On 8 and 10 February 2023, the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) in cooperation with the Justice Academy of Azerbaijan organised two training sessions on court performance reporting according to its tools and methodology. The aim of the trainings was to develop a standard...

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Closing event of the CEPEJ project in Georgia

3 February 2023 Tbilisi

The closing event of the CEPEJ component of the project “Enhancing the accountability and the efficiency of the judicial system and the professionalism of lawyers” in Georgia implemented under the Partnership for Good Governance II (PGGII) was held on 3 February 2023. On this occasion the main...

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133rd plenary session of the Venice Commission: New opinions prepared under the Quick Response Mechanism adopted

17 December 2022 Venice

At its 133rd plenary session (held on 16-17 December 2022), the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe adopted, among others: the amicus curiae brief for the Constitutional Court of Armenia on certain questions related to the Law on Confiscation of Property of Illicit Origin; held an exchange...

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Study visit of Azerbaijani Ministry of Justice to Portugal

16 December 2022 Portugal

On 14-16 December 2022 the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) organised in cooperation with the Portuguese Order of solicitors and enforcement agents a three-days study visit for members of the Directorate General of Enforcement of the Ministry of Justice of Azerbaijan. The...

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Taking a Case to the European Court of Human Rights: Armenian version of the book will help the legal practitioners to make their voices heard in a well-substantiated manner

14 December 2022 Yerevan

Successful litigation at the European Court of Human Rights is not an easy task and requires from legal professionals some fundamental knowledge about the peculiarities of the application to the Court. Publication of the Armenian version of the book Taking a Case to the European Court of Human...

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Presentation of HELP platform on the occasion of National Day of Lawyers in Armenia

8 December 2022 Online

On 8 December 2022, to mark the National Lawyers’ Day celebrated on 6 December in Armenia, the regional project on "Strengthening the Profession of Lawyer in Line with European Standards", in cooperation with Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals (HELP) programme and the Chamber of...

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The Council of Europe keeps on working with judges on better application of the European Convention on Human Rights standards while adjudication of criminal cases

29 November 2022 Tbilisi

In co-operation with the High School of Justice, the Council of Europe and the European Union organised another series of seminars to familiarise judges with the latest case-law of the Supreme Court of Georgia and the European Court of Human Rights related to domestic violence, admissibility of...

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Website of the Court of Cassation of Armenia launched and available online for public

28 November 2022 Yerevan

A website of the Armenian Court of Cassation was developed with the support of the Council of Europe and is available online since November 2022. The Council of Europe has been working closely with the Armenian judiciary to facilitate the effective implementation of European human rights...

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Lawyers and judges discussed the ways to improve their professional interaction

25 November 2022 Online

On 25 November an online event - joint meeting of judges and lawyers was organised to discuss the implementation of Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE) Opinion no. 16 of 2013 on the relations between judges and lawyers. The event gathered participants from Armenia, Georgia, the...

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CEPEJ mission to the Supreme Court of Azerbaijan to assess the case management, processing of cases and e-filing

25 November 2022 Baku

From 23 to 25 November, the European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) conducted an experts’ mission in Baku with the aim to assess the work efficiency of the Supreme Court. A report with recommendations on the improvement of the case management, processing of cases and e-filing...

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EU and Council of Europe supported conference in Tbilisi to discuss areas for further improvement and ongoing reform of the criminal justice legal framework in Georgia

24 November 2022 Tbilisi

Protection of victims’ and other vulnerable persons’ rights, the system of pre-trial measures and conduct of investigative actions are the areas which should be paid special attention to during the ongoing criminal justice reform in Georgia, underlined participants of the high-level conference...

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Discussion on the Opinion No. 24 (2021) of the CCJE on the evolution of the Councils for the Judiciary and their role in independent and impartial judicial systems

27 October 2022 Yerevan

To highlight the competence, tasks, organisation and composition as well as resources at the disposal of the Councils for the Judiciary the Consultative Council of European Judges (CCJE) adopted landmark Opinion No. 24 in 2021. The Opinion discusses the legitimacy and accountability of the...

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Study visit of Georgian courts to The Netherlands

25-27 October 2022 The Netherlands

On 25-27 October 2022, the Council of Europe European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) organised a three-days study visit of Georgian court managers from the Supreme Court of Georgia, Zugdidi and Rustavi Regional Courts and Tbilisi Court to the courts of Amsterdam, The Hague and...

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CEPEJ visited Baku with the aim to analyse the provision of mediation services in Azberbaijan

17-19 October 2022 Baku

From 17 to 19 October 2022, the European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) conducted a fact-finding mission in Baku with the aim to analyse the current situation and discuss how to provide support for improving mediation based on CEPEJ Guidelines and various tools dealing with...

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Judiciary of the Court of Cassation of Armenia continue enhancing their knowledge and skills on the new criminal legislation of the country

5-6 October 2022 Armenia

Judges, experts and judicial assistants of the Court of Cassation of Armenia participated in the two-day workshop on “Selected issues of new Criminal (CC) and Criminal Procedure Codes (CPC) of Armenia” organised on 5-6 October in Yerevan. The objective of the workshop was to introduce the...

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Investigators and prosecutors of Armenia enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal and procedural legislation of Armenia

31 August 2022 Armenia

In co-operation with the Justice Academy in Yerevan, four two-day training seminars on “Selected issues of the new Criminal (CC) and Criminal Procedure (CPC) Codes of Armenia” were organised for investigators and prosecutors of Armenia in July and August 2022. The objective of the training...

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Staff of the Representative of the Republic of Armenia before the European Court of Human Right enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal legislation of Armenia

5-6 August 2022 Armenia

During the two-day training seminar on “Selected issues of new Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Armenia,” 16 participants had the opportunity to acquire new skills on judicial review, peculiarities of conducting certain types of proceedings, judicial safeguards of pre-trial proceedings,...

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Summer School on Arbitration

20 July 2022 Armenia

Students from various universities of Armenia had the opportunity to get first-hand insights into the world of arbitration during the 4-day Summer School on Arbitration co-organised by the Council of Europe and Arbitrators’ Association of Armenia. Taught by the leading arbitration practitioners...

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Guides on the new Criminal and Criminal Procedure Codes of Armenia ready for the national legal professionals as the new legislation enters into force

1 July 2022 Armenia

The Council of Europe has been working closely with the Armenian authorities on the criminal justice reform through legislative, methodological, and capacity-building support since 2015. Based on the legal expertise of the Council of Europe, conceptually new Criminal Code and Code of Criminal...

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Ensuring high-quality trainings on the new criminal justice legislation in Armenia by equipping trainers locally

19 June 2022 Armenia

15 national trainers got equipped with tools and techniques on adult learning methodology. The objective is to ensure high quality trainings on the new criminal justice legislation, as well as to guide trainers to link the newly acquired knowledge with their practical experience and further...

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Expert discussion on the right of access to court for persons being declared as legally incapable as a result of mental disorder

17-18 June 2022 Armenia

On 17 and 18 June 2022, the President and the judges of the Court of Cassation, Supreme Judicial Council member, Representation of Armenia on International Legal matters, representatives from the Ministry of Justice, the Human Rights Defender’s office, the Ministry of Health, the Guardianship and...

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Legal professionals in Azerbaijan get trained on collection and analysis of court statistics

17 June 2022 Azerbaijan

In co-operation with the Justice Academy of Azerbaijan, two online training sessions on improving the efficiency and quality of courts based on the tools and guidelines developed by the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ). These trainings aimed to deepen the knowledge on...

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High-level Conference “The Judiciary as a Guardian of Democracy”

9 June 2022 Armenia

The conference co-organised with the Constitutional Court of Armenia on 8-9 June in Yerevan, served as a platform to facilitate the dialogue between the Constitutional Court, courts of general jurisdiction and other branches of power, alongside with the international community and civil society....

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Human rights training methodology for legal professionals now available in Armenian

7 June 2022 Armenia

The HELP Methodology Guidebook on Human Rights Training for Legal Professionals is now available in Armenian. It provides a step-by-step analysis of the various stages of the methodology and describes the roles of the HELP Secretariat, the network members and the tutors in the training process....

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Investigators of Armenia enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal and procedural legislation of Armenia

7 June 2022 Armenia

Five two-day training seminars on "Selected issues of new Criminal (CC) and Criminal Procedure Codes (CPC) of Armenia" were organised for 125 investigators of Armenia from April till June 2022 in the Justice Academy in Yerevan. During the first half of the seminars, the participants learnt about...

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Legal professionals in Armenia trained on Ethics for Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers

6 May 2022 Armenia

A group of 23 legal professionals are trained in co-operation with the Justice Academy of Armenia on ethics for Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers. The Council of Europe HELP online course used for the training has been translated into Armenian, adapted to the Armenian context and is piloted in the...

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Judiciary of the Court of Cassation of Armenia enhance their knowledge and skills on the new criminal procedure legislation of the country

28 April 2022 Armenia

Judges, experts and judicial assistants of the Court of Cassation of Armenia participated in the one-day workshop “Selected issues of new Criminal Procedure Code of Armenia” organised on 28 April in Yerevan. During the first two sessions, the participants discussed evidence, proving as well as...

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Round table discussion on the draft Judicial and Legal Reforms Strategy for 2022-2026 of the Republic of Armenia with the participation of the judiciary

23-24 April 2022 Armenia

Members of the Supreme Judicial Council, Presidents and judges from different court instances both from Yerevan and regions of Armenia, and the Ministry of Justice representatives discussed the draft Judicial and Legal Reforms Strategy for 2022-2026 of the Republic of Armenia.The event was...

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Round table discussion on the Decision SJC-65-VO-165 (30 August 2021) of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Armenia ''On prescribing benchmark periods of the average duration of case examination as per individual types and complexity of cases''

21 April 2022 Armenia

Members of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Armenia, Presidents and judges from different court instances both from Yerevan and regions of Armenia, and the Ministry of Justice representatives discussed the Decision SJC-65-VO-165 (30 August 2021) of the Supreme Judicial Council of...

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Judges enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal procedural legislation of Armenia

8 April 2022 Armenia

Four one-day seminars on “Selected issues of Criminal Procedure Code (CPC) of Armenia” were organised for 62 judges of Armenia in March and April 2022 in the Justice Academy in Yerevan. The judges improved their knowledge and skills on topics such as evidence, proving, arrest and measures of...

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Round table discussion on the application of mediation in Armenia

29 March 2022 Armenia

Mediators, lawyers and judges from different court instances and Ministry of Justice representatives, discussed the Mediation Development Toolkit (also available in Armenian) presented by a Council of Europe expert on 29 March 2022. The event allowed an exchange on the current challenges in the...

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Judicial staff in the Republic of Moldova enhanced their knowledge on remedies in cases of discrimination

16 March 2022 Republic of Moldova

98 employees of the judicial system in the country, strengthened their knowledge on national and international remedies in cases of discrimination through an online training. The event held on 16 March, focused on the international legal framework and the case law of the European Court of Human...

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Presentation of the outcomes of the consultations to define the indicators and track records able to demonstrate the effect of judicial reforms in Azerbaijan

15 March 2022 Azerbaijan

The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) organised a presentation of the Report “Consultations to define the indicators and track records able to demonstrate the effect of judicial reforms in Azerbaijan”. This report which was prepared by two CEPEJ experts, Nino Bakakuri,...

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Armenian team of students participates in the Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court with our project's support

2 March 2022 Armenia

From 28 February to 2 March, a team of Armenian students participated in the 14th edition of the Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot Court 2022 online competition. This is an educational exercise that promotes the peaceful resolution of international disputes in accordance with international...

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Prosecutors of Armenia enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal and procedural legislation of Armenia

23 February 2022 Armenia

Through two seminars on “Selected issues of new Criminal (CC) and Criminal Procedure Codes (CPC) of Armenia” organised for two groups of 48 prosecutors of Armenia on 25-26 January and on 22-23 February in the Justice Academy in Yerevan, our joint European Union-Council of Europe project enhanced...

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Presentation of the report on remote Court Hearings in Criminal Cases in Georgia

10 February 2022 Georgia

On 10 February 2022, the Report "Remote Court Hearings in Criminal Cases in Georgia" prepared by João Arsénio de Oliveira, expert of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) and chairman of the CEPEJ Working group on quality of Justice, was presented to justice professionals,...

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CEPEJ contributes to improve the communication policy of courts in the Republic of Moldova

9 February 2022 Republic of Moldova

Further to an assessment of the Communication Strategy of the Superior Council of Magistracy and of the Guide for the judiciary on relations with mass-media by international and national experts, a Working Group was created and met on 9 February 2022 to improve the regulations on communication...

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Joint event dedicated to the launch of the new website of the Constitutional Court of Armenia

4 February 2022 Armenia

On 4 February 2022, a joint event dedicated to the launch of the new website of the Constitutional Court and the 26th Anniversary of Founding of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Armenia was organised by the Constitutional Court and the European Union-Council of Europe Partnership for...

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Competition on courts’ performance in the Republic of Moldova launched with the support of CEPEJ

3 February 2022 Republic of Moldova

A competition aiming at discovering and highlighting innovative and efficient practices concerning the functioning of justice, judicial procedures or the organisation of courts is to be conducted for the first time in Moldova in 2022. It is expected to encourage the proactive management,...

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Representatives of the Equality Council enhance their knowledge and skills on sanctions systems in cases of discrimination

17 January 2022 Republic of Moldova

Through a workshop, held online on 17 January, employees of the Equality Council enhanced their knowledge and skills on sanction systems in cases of discrimination. During the session, sanctions and recommendations in discrimination cases issued by equality bodies in the EU, were discussed. This...

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Keynote lecture on electronic evidence gathered lawyers from eight countries

22 December 2021 Online

On 22 December an online meeting for lawyers was organised by our project with the aim to strengthen co-operation between bar associations and law societies to improve the internal functioning and independence of the bars, in line with Council of Europe standards and recommendations. At the...

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15 December 2021

A roundtable and a workshop on judicial statistics in Azerbaijan

15 December 2021 Azerbaijan

An online round table to present the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ) dynamic database of European judicial systems was held for national stakeholders in Azerbaijan. The various CEPEJ-STAT dashboards, CEPEJ Evaluation Report of judicial systems, evaluation scheme and...

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Enhancing the knowledge inclusive education for trainers of the National Institute of Justice

16 December 2021 Republic of Moldova

Trainers of the National Institute of Justice have broadened their knowledge on inclusive education during a two half-day online training of trainers. The event held on 15-16 December, focused on the international legal framework (United Nations Convention on Rights of People with Disabilities,...

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Third Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Project "Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia"

13 December 2021 Armenia

On 10 December 2021 the third meeting of the Steering Committee of the Project "Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia" was held online. The Project aims at promoting judicial independence, the effectiveness of legal...

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Round Table Discussion on the Review of the Civil Procedural Code of Armenia

13 December 2021 armenia

On 9 December 2021 the Round Table Discussion on the Review of the Civil Procedural Code of Armenia took place in the framework of the project ''Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia,'' funded by the European Union and the...

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Staff of the Representative of the Republic of Armenia before the European Court of Human Rights enhanced their knowledge and skills on the new criminal procedure legislation of Armenia

7 December 2021 Armenia

A one-day workshop on “Selected issues of new Criminal Procedure Code of Armenia” was organised for 18 staff members of the Representative of the Republic of Armenia before the ECtHR on 7 December, in Yerevan. New regulations, provisions and procedural safeguards in the context of Articles 5, 6...

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Training sessions organised to improve the efficiency and quality of courts

3 December 2021 Azerbaijan

Four online training sessions were held between 26 November and 3 December, with the aim to improve the efficiency and quality of courts based on the tools and guidelines developed by the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ). The trainings concerned the measurement of the...

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