Topic Judicial reforms

Expert discussions on the procedural safeguards and protection against undue interferences for lawyers in Armenia

6 September 2021 Armenia

The expert discussions were organised prior to the development of a country-specific action plan for Armenia. They served as a platform for discussing the feasibility of the introduced recommendations, the ways of their transformation into the action plan and their practical realisation with the...

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A new manual to ease individuals’ access to Constitutional Justice in Georgia available now

28 July 2021 Georgia

Constitutional Court’s case law on admissibility criteria has been compiled and analysed in the manual "Constitutional Complains' Admissibility Standards." It is the first manual of its kind, and its’ aim is to guide individuals, citizens, civil society representatives and other potential parties...

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Leadership training for women-judges

22 July 2021 Armenia

On 22 July 2021 the online training on Leadership skills development for women-judges took place within in the framework project ''Support to the judicial reform – enhancing the independence and professionalism of the judiciary in Armenia.'' One of the Project’s components is focused on...

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