Country Republic of Moldova

CEPEJ contributes to improve the communication policy of courts in the Republic of Moldova

9 February 2022 Republic of Moldova

Further to an assessment of the Communication Strategy of the Superior Council of Magistracy and of the Guide for the judiciary on relations with mass-media by international and national experts, a Working Group was created and met on 9 February 2022 to improve the regulations on communication...

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Competition on courts’ performance in the Republic of Moldova launched with the support of CEPEJ

3 February 2022 Republic of Moldova

A competition aiming at discovering and highlighting innovative and efficient practices concerning the functioning of justice, judicial procedures or the organisation of courts is to be conducted for the first time in Moldova in 2022. It is expected to encourage the proactive management,...

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Web article on problems encountered by people with disabilities

21 January 2022 Republic of Moldova

A new storytelling article tackling hate speech and discrimination against persons with disabilities in the Republic of Moldova, is now available online. This is the fifth from a series of six web articles developed by the journalistic platform "Oameni și Kilometri", in the framework of the...

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Representatives of the Equality Council enhance their knowledge and skills on sanctions systems in cases of discrimination

17 January 2022 Republic of Moldova

Through a workshop, held online on 17 January, employees of the Equality Council enhanced their knowledge and skills on sanction systems in cases of discrimination. During the session, sanctions and recommendations in discrimination cases issued by equality bodies in the EU, were discussed. This...

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Показывается результатов: 61 - 64 из 168.


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